Orphaned references in Content Library

I have updated Daz using DIM and I have had a disaster with the Content Library. Since I had had similar problems in the past, before installing the new version of DAZ I had saved the ContentCluster where I believe the CMS information is located. After the update, no products appeared in the Content Library. Then I put the ContentCluster in the proper place and all products appeared, but almost all the products I had created myself from scenes, non-Daz materials and even Daz products appear now as orphaned references. I have tried to reinstal the PostgreSQL CMS (though it is unclear if the PostgreSQL CMS (Win 64-bit) or the PostgreSQL CMS From Valentina needs to be used) and I continue getting the orphaned references in Content Library. To put it some way, since these references have parents, they shall not be orphaned, the question is how to make the parents appear in Content Library. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
If nothing is appearing under DAZ Studio Formats or Poser Formats than the content was not installed properly or was install somewhere DS doesn't know about.
Installing a daz Studio update will not usually cause the content to vanish, so it sounds as if there is a confounding factor on your system. These were the same release channels - both geenral or both Public Build? How do you install, boith the application and the content? Are you sure PostgreSQL was not running when you made the back up and did the restore?
The content has not vanished, it is where it was, but the references to products appear now in I would say 95% of the cases as orphaned references. I do not know what release channes are involved here, I updated Daz using DIM, and I do not know either whether PostgreSQL was running or not. My concern now is to try to recover all the references in the content library.
So we are talking about the Products and Categories lists, but the files are there under Daz Studio Formats?
Yes. both under Daz Studio Formats and Poser Formats the files are there, and can be used. It is only in the products list of the Content Library that they appear as orphaned references.
Please post a sample screen shot, and please open Edit>Prferences>Content tab>Content Directory Manager and take a screen shot of that showing the paths.
See requested screen shots, and thanks.
And where are those files on disc?
For instance the first orphaned reference that appears in the screen shot I posted corresponds to H:\DSContent\Character\Runtime\Libraries\Pose\!MAT-Blanca V3\t Pose 01.pz2.
If you find the product thumbnail in the products tab of Smart Content (that is, don't open it to see the individual files) does it have a triangle in a broken circle icon at top-right?
I cannot see the triangle in a broken circle icon at top-right you mention. The only orphaned references that I find in Smart Content are references to products that I created from scenes (see attachment 01), and they have not that tringle in a broken circle. Products which I created by renaming Daz or non-Daz products I cannot find in any category of Smart Content. For instance I had created the product "ENV Underground Raven River" from the Daz product "Raven River". Now that product appears in Content Library as a collection of orphaned references (attachment 2), but I cannot find it in Smart Content. Of course, I have not tried to reinstal the product, which is still in H:\DSContent\Environment\Runtime\Libraries\Props\LDD RavenRiver.
Those are not the Products tab of Smart Content. If the icon isn't there - and judging by the second screen shot I'm pretty sure it won't be - then the system has them down as being installed through Daz Studio, which uses a different location and will lead to the DIM or Daz Central files being ignored.
Thanks Richard for your explanation, though I cannot follow it. It seems to understand how the content library works requires skills that I do not have. At any rate, I have invested a lot of time, too much indeed, in renaming old products or creating new products (from scenes, props, materials or whatever) that then have been wipped out when a new version of Daz was installed.
Daz Studio itself does not touch your content or categories, content updates will affect only themselves and will not affect user categortisation.