Now My Base Genesis Male loads with Khalan Body and head!

So i was researching what was making my G8 characters. I fixed something with G8F and G8F1, they went from taking endless amount to load to now, loading in 50seconds or up to 2 minutes. Which is great.
But i dont' know what i did now. I was just fixing up G8M in the morph folder , researching the same way i was doing for G8F,,and now when i start up Daz Studio and load the G8 Base Male..It loads with Khalman's Body and Head morph!!!! What in the world? How did that happen?
Does any body have an idea how to fix this?
I didn't do anything within Daz Studio the program itself, all i did was perhaps move folders around. I didn't even move files around
And PS. It's happening when i load both G8male and G8.1 male. who knows why

Ok, guys i got it. what happend was somehow the Morphs folder with Khalman head and body files got into the folder data/daz3d/genesis 8 /male/UVSets and that's how. So i moved that folder out and those files out and now my base G8M loads like i t should