Transfer Utility Mesh Eyelashes

Hello, I've been having a lot of trouble transferring weights to a pair of mesh eyelashes and was wondering if anyone knew a better method.
I searched everywhere online and tried every method I could find, but the results are still unsatisfactory. There are mesh lashes addons for sale that work very well, so there must be a better way of applying the G8 rigging to a custom lashes model.
Some notes:
* By 'mesh lashes' I mean eyelashes models that have each eyelash strand modeled. The lashes I wish to rig have ~18k faces (with 2k strands total).
* The eyelashes match the eyelid position of a full face/body morph (not the default figure).
* They do not match the generated shape of the G8.1 Eyelashes at all, so I made a morph for the default lashes to bend downward to match the mesh lashes a bit better.
* I separated the top and bottom lashes.
So far the best method I found was on youtube which goes like this:
1. Transfer utility
Source G8.1 Lashes, current shape
Target: mesh lashes (top), default shape
Turn off 'fit to source figure' + 'parent to source figure'
2. Transfer utility
Source: G8.1, current shape
Target: mesh lashes (top), current shape
Turn off all 'General Options', enable 'Reverse Source Shape from Target'
This has given the best results so far, but still the weights and the automatically-generated morphs on them to correspond to face poses/expressions are very broken.
I really hope there's a more surefire way to rig these lashes... I was also trying/looking into if a geograft would work (separate the eyelid faces where the lashes intersect, import as geograft, then have the lashes welded to the geograft, but it's been unsuccessful).
Also tried using the separated faces to transfer weights to the lashes in blender, imported as pmx into daz, but it seems there's no way to have the eyelashes work in this format.
When using the base figure as the source lashes are probably getting weights projected from the eye bones that they really don't want or need, in a complex area like this it is almost inevitable that you will have to edit the weight maps extensively.
Dang, that's too bad... Well thanks for the reply. Guess I'll keep trying to find some type of solution for in blender (base morph + expression shape key - hook lashes somehow / even manually pose with custom bones, then export out the better lashes deformation as corrective morph in daz) :(