Daz Studio textures converted to octane materials

How do I convert my iray/3delight scene into octane renderer materials?
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How do I convert my iray/3delight scene into octane renderer materials?
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The DAZ Plugin for Octane converts a lot of the Materials "on the fly". But you have to do a lot of conversions yourself, meaning that you have to apply the correct shaders inside the plugin yourself. There has been an amazing shader for Gensis Figures, (Redspex) But I think they have been pulled unfotunaely, i don't know if they are still available.
yes the plug make a conversion but a basic one. Redspecs shaders are not available anymore but there is the Octane Render Kit (ORK) for free in the Daz store with plenty of good stuff : shaders (skin, hair, leather,...) and tutorials about how to use them. Thanks to Valzheimer :-)
One of the fun part in Octane is to adjust the materials to get the best results: dirt, material layers, .... :-) !
Do I apply them in Daz Studio or C4d? And how? And would it be better to just import it in C4d as an fbx? I just want it to import into C4d with the materials intact! That's my aim!
All 3D rendering engines have material converters.
If you are in C4D and you are using Octane, you can convert the material as follows:
http://www.aoktar.com/octane/OCTANE HELP MANUAL.html?index.html
In the list of contents, you can search -> Using The Plugin > Using Materials > Material Tools > Convert Material
When you export your DazStudio file, in a format like dae, fbx, OBJ, alembic, many characteristics of your DazStudio materials are permanently lost.
Indeed, these export formats of 3D files cannot take into account the particularities of each rendering engine.
Only the main characteristics like the diffuse texture, the color, the bump, the specular, the transparency are taken into account.
From these elementary characteristics which have been preserved, the material converter (for Octane, Arnold, Redshift, V-Ray, Corana, etc.) can't work wonders,. It will only do a basic conversion.