Trinity Atrium Fallen product - broken

DavemanDaveman Posts: 51
edited December 1969 in Technical Help (nuts n bolts)

I just purchased the "Trinity Atrium Fallen" product - but - it obviously fell down and hurt itself somehow. Its missing a file and all I get is a wierd almost colorless balloon fun house., Anyone know what up with this one? Here is the error message I get..,

Some assets needed to load the file were missing. The content may not work as expected:
The following files could not be found.
/data/Jack Tomalin/Trinity_Atrium/Trinity_Atrium/rhs_trin_atri_109218.dsf

Attached is the result. Not hardly what I expected. While I am a bit miffed, its kinda funny - lol (yes, it doesnt take much to amuse me)
Thanks for any help on this foo-poo. Im guessing the download file is corrupted?

800 x 761 - 148K


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