Sizing clothes

I am having a bit of trouble with the autofit aspect to the Genesis figures.
I am trying to do pics in the vein of the classic "kid in me" mini wheats ads.
I also have tried a "hulk" out or two.
The problems is the clothes always fit. For the effect I want they must be oversized as the character gets smaller. Or disappearing as the character gets bigger.
I have Dforce still am getting the autofit problem when scale is adjusted.
Can you point to any tutourials.
Would pics help?
Clothes that are fit to the figure will scale along with the character. Unfit them (right-click on the item in the scene pane, select "fit to" and choose "none"), or make sure the character isn't selected when you add the clothing to the scene. Doing a "hulk out" would require more advanced simulation capabilities than DS possesses, but you should be able to do the oversized clothes thing no problem as long as they're not fit to the figure.