My GEnesis 8.1Female took enless time to load(crashed), i took all morphs out STILL!

I tested by taking temporarily out most morphs folders from the Female_1/Morphs folder, and just left the basic ones in Morphs/Daz 3d folder.
To my surprise that didn't even help. stll when i click to load her, she's not loading. it takes loads of time and nothing, i assume that means crash
What's going on here? What could be going on? Just some days ago i had finally fixed it all and both my G8F and G81F loaded in 1 minute or less.
Now my G8F, G8M and G81M all load fast, but G81F refuses to load
The first place to start is the log (Help->Troubleshooting->View Log File)
Do not copy the text in the log to your message, attach it to your post with the "Attach a file" above the "Post Comment" button.
Hi thanks for your reponse. I will attach the log file but just part of it, the list is long . but now i understand why it's not loading fast, and it's taking 10 mintutes. to load. I just don't understand why a few days ago it was loading in like 1 min to 2 min. and suddenly now this happened. what made it change?
Here is the log file, i juts included part of the stuff, it was too long and the messages errors were all the same kind
Did you reinstall Genesis 8 Starter Essentials?
Most of the lines are about G8 characters looking for G8 base expressions that have been disabled on G8.1 with dummy/placeholder expressions placed in the G8.1 morph folders.
Making the G8 base expressions (and any expressions that are using them) work on G8.1 requires removing dummy/placeholder expressions that are installed to G8.1 morph folders - These dummy/placeholder expression files have no other function than to prevent the base G8 expressions from loading.
The dummy/placeholder files are located in;
...\Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female 8_1\Morphs\Daz 3D\Base Pose Head\ (255 files)
...\Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female 8_1\Morphs\Daz 3D\Expressions\ (24 files)
...\Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Male 8_1\Morphs\Daz 3D\Base Pose Head\ (255 files)
...\Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Male 8_1\Morphs\Daz 3D\Expressions\ (24 files)
Please make sure you are removing the files from G8.1 morph folders and not G8 morph folders.
Thanks alot. Yeah i actually did move out those Morphs/Daz3D/Expressions and Morphs/Daz3D/Base Pose Head files into another folder out side of the daz users folder. I did it for G81male and he's not giving me problems. But i also did it for G81F yet she's giving me problems
You may have those files in multiple places, especially if you are logging in/signing in to DS and at some point DAZ Connect has reinstalled the files to the ...\Data\Cloud\[product identification]\ folder.
Het PerttitA, i think my Problem shouldn't be there anymore everything is where it should but I think DAZ remember that i was experimenting and moved folders and that's why it's not loading it.
This is why i noticed. Because now i ruined my G8F also!!!!!! Want to know how? I just tested moving all the files from data....Morphs/Daz3d/BasePoseHead to a temporary folder. And then loaded up Daz and now Genesis8Base female also didn't load.
But then i went back to windows explorer AnD I PUT THE FILES BACK in the FOLDER. Then went back to DAZStudio. and Guess what
? NOw Genesis8Base female doesn't load either!! So DAZ Remembers that i was testing around and that i moved folders out, and
it doesn't realize that I put the folders back again.
How do i make it realize that the morph folders are back again where they belong?
Is there a way to refresh daz?
Yeah, i'm guessing this is my total problem. DAZ remembers that i was experimeneting with moving folders around. Even if i put the folders back in their original position, it still doesn't recognize they are there.
Here's a recap, i think it all has to do with the fact that i was trying to move things around(morph folders ) for testing /experimenting:
And because i did that now
=My G8F Base doesn't load
=My G8.1 F Base doesnt load either
=My G8M Base loads fast in less than 1 minute
=My G8.1M Base loads fast in less than 1 minute( NOTE : I haven't move folders around /experimented/tested out moving morh folders for Genesis 8Male Or Genesis8.1 Male) and i won't because i see what happens
Anyways, is there a way i can solve this mess i did ?
DS doesn't remember anything. Did you make sure you were moving files out of G8.1 morph folders and not G8 morph folders?
Was DS closed when you were moving the files?
Yeah DAZ was closed when i moved stuff. ANd now after i did it and i put the exact files(folder) back to exact same place where i took them out from..Not modified files or anything. ijust took them out for testing and put them back. And now everytime i start can't My G8Base Female (aside from my G8.1Female doesn't load) . I'm currently reinstalilng daz to see if that helps
Reinstallation of DS changes nothing, the program is separate from installed content. If the content folders are messed up, they will be messed up even after reinstallation of DS
Correct. So it didn't work. What am i supposed to do then? I don't know why it doens't work
About to sign off for a few hours before coming back at home.
What do you have specified as Content Directories in Content Directory Manager?
What is the complete path to ...\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\DAZ 3D\Base Pose Head\, starting from the drive letter?
Well it's what it's always been. And it's worked for years. And everything loads. And as i told you before these figures were loading fine, just after the moving of folders, when i click the thing in Daz studio to load them, the progress bar just does never end
Question 1: how big if your library? Does many G8F and G8.1F characters do you have installed.
Question 2: Have you tried using just a fresh copy of G8 base in a separate folder and temporarily remove your current library>
Thanks for your response.
Answer to 1: My library is big but everything was working fine all these years, everything that i have tons of characters and other objects. I have like something like 100 females, and 40 males, some old guys, some old ladies, some kids, some babies, a few Fantasy characters, a few animals some like 5 cars ,3boats. Plenty of morphs. well tons .
Answer to question 2: no i havne't tried cause i don't know how. What do you mean a fresh copy of G8 Base, and what do you mean to temporarily remove my current library? sorry i'm not that smart
Hi just want to say in case anyone still looking at this. It's solved. How? it just solved itself, after a few hours, i think whatever got messed up, rebuilt itself or something because the G81F and G8F base characters which were not loading, or loading in about 10Plus minutes now took just 1 minute or 1 to 1.5 minutes, or less than 1 minute at times.
So it's solved, i didn't even do anything to fix it i just waited and tried again a couple of hours later and then noticed the figures loaded fast now.
Ok, which products do you have installed into: E:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Daz Connect Library\Data\? If you search that location with Windows Explorer, do you find "SCLPropagatingHead.dsf" in there, how many copies and for which characters?
If you find none, I think it is better to start with first uninstalling and then reinstalling Genesis 8 Starter Essentials with DIM, make sure DIM is using the correct path (E:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D library\)
Reinstalling starter essentials will reinstall the dummy/placeholder files as well => G8 expressions will not work on G8.1 unless the dummy files have been removed.
Oh, and if you are logging in to DS, do yourself a favor and stop doing it. Attached you can find the startup preferences I'm using, the General-tab has also some checkboxes to untick = Everything related to calling home.