Looking for "Soccer Mom" pose
in The Commons
The perils of browsing...
The Soccer Mom clothing set main promo shows a pose that I'm sure I've seen as part of somebody's pose product, or something very like it.
Search as I may now, I can 't find it.
Does anyone know what pose set this is?
This image?
The pose looks familiar, but I'm not sure where it's from, myself.
I think it's a combination from this set
S3D Fitness Workout Poses | Daz 3D
Thank you folks for posting the image and link!
It could be a combo from Fitnes Workout, or at least that could be made to work, and I have that set... The image that's haunting my mental search engine/browser, though, has a dark background and is a single pose... I think? Part of some exercise, fitness, stretching, sports, yoga... ugh! I think I know I saw it. But I can't find it with any search parameters I've tried.
Thanks again!
There's a similar pose in:
It's shown for G8M (third image in the slider) but the pack includes G8F, too, according to the description. It would need some adjustment (mirroring top or bottom, adjusting feet and hands, etc), but it might be a good starting point.
Thank you, doubledeviant, it looks very close.