Export Window is missing

I just installed DAZ today. I was using 1.15 for a few months. When I want to export something to OBJ for Blender, I used to get an Export window with settings. It is gone now. DAZ just straight wants export.
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I just installed DAZ today. I was using 1.15 for a few months. When I want to export something to OBJ for Blender, I used to get an Export window with settings. It is gone now. DAZ just straight wants export.
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You're sure it is exporting to OBJ, not another format?
Exporting to OBJ, but DAZ used to have an export window with dozens of check boxes and dropdown options.
Yes, and I'm not aware of a way to turn it off - that's why I was asking if you were sure it was going to the right format as some of the others, I think, don't have option dialogues. Do you have to press enter/return before the export completes, as if there is an invisible dialogue blocking progress?
I do not know if there is a missing dialogue box. It would appear the option was stripped away in the current version.
do you have a corrupted install maybe?
I just figured it out. Windows 10 handles things differently from Win7, somehow.
I brought Win 10 a few days ago.
If there was an invisible/off-screen dialogue opening then the process would freeze after you clicked Accept in the filename dialogue until you pressed enter (to accept) or esc (to cancel, in which case nothing would be exported). Please post a screen shot of the file dialogue, and of the UI immediately afterwards. Do the OBJs exported now open correctly (e.g. reimport into Daz Studio)?
I indeed have had a hidden dialogue box when using multiple monitors hiding under another window, but you would hear that awful claaaaaaag sound until you clicked enter.