weird viewport, reset view and frame view doesn't work

I'm using the newest version 4.16.03, WIN10, 32GB RAM.
Recently I found a strange problem in Viewport, in a large scene, when I want to shift the camera or perspective view to someone or something, it does't work by click the 'reset view' or 'frame view' button with the person selected, the frame view click put me to a very far area as shown in attachment, the reset view click put me to a wall (I hided the wall in the pic). Everytime the same even close the DAZ3D and reload.
However, if there is only 1 or 2 person loaded, no scene, those click works well.
So is it a bug? How to fix it?

frame view.jpg
740 x 657 - 91K

reset view.jpg
736 x 645 - 98K
Did you translate the figure to its location using the Hip bone?
No, just use translate XYZ dials, even no translation new uploaded characters have the same problem, can not find them in the viewport, can only select in scene tab and translate.
If the selected item is far from the origin then frame, at least, is prone to pulling back too far - in that case a work around is to orbit the item so you are looking towards the origin and then hit Frame again.