Daz3d Crush - (Lainey Character)

Hey guys,
I'm using Daz3D ver. and I add the character Lainey into the scene. Everything works fine and I can even preview or render it in Iray but when I add her Skin and try to preview in Iray Daz3d crush with no explanation.
I used to render this character in the past and I tried to open some of the old renders but with the same result.
Do anyone have any ideea what is wrong or how I can solve this issue?
Lainey Character (https://www.daz3d.com/lainey-for-victoria-8)
It started around 2 weeks ago. I don't know if it started after I updated Daz to ver. 4.16 or updated the Nvidia driver.
I will really appreciate if anyone can try to do a render with this character and see if it's working. Maybe there is something wrong on my side...
The character has some texture files in Tiff format, the current Iray seems to choke on some of those. You can load them in an imagee ditor, save as .png, and use the Surfaces pane to swap the Tiff version for the PNG before rendering and they should work.
It does?
I've not been seeing any issues, and I use quite a few .tiffs
It depends on the Tiff - none of the ones I saved to test caused issues but quite a few in products have. Tiff can use a wide range of compression methods, it's nearly as variable as FBX from what I can tell.
Thanks for the tip, Richard!
This ia how I fix problematic tif files with the added part of opening the skin/character loaders with 7zip then editting the contained uncompressed file and find and replace all instances of .tif with .png so I don't have to go in after and manually replace the textures.