Linking to @username
in The Commons
I often reference a user in a forum response by @username but quite a lot of users here have spaces in their names and part of the name after the space does not register in the link so it doesn't work. Is there a way of doing this that I am not aware of or would it take those users to put a hyphen or underscore instead of the space for it to work?
it is also possible they don't wish to be tagged in posts so deliberately add a space.
You can always PM them but I have ones that haven't responded in years.![cheeky cheeky](
It's so good to find that I'm actually not the only one who can't figure this out ... Sorry I can't be of any help though, but I'd also love to know!
EDIT: Nope. Testing it out, didn't work.
The forum PM system being separate from the Daz store message inbox always gets me. I don't often check the forum inbox.
Well, as I understand it, the point of the @username convention is so that the user can be notified if s/he is referenced in a post. Seems that the notification system is also borked at the moment so scratch that for now but I would certainly like to receive notifications if someone referenced my username. Requiring people to notify by PM is unlikely to work, I think.
Several attempts have been made to try to get those spaces and other characters included, using punctuation, escape sequences, html code, but nothing worked. Unless we know the syntax rules (which could simply be "alphanumeric characters only, no punctuation, no spaces") it's no use trying.
I just checked on another forum in which I am a user and they also have usernames with spaces. The difference is that as soon as I start typing @user a list of usernames is displayed from which I can choose the one I am intending to reference. Now that's how it should be done and that is one of the free, open source forums (MyBB, I believe).
Maybe if you use %20 instead of the real "space" (html lingo for the space character).
Let's see ... nope.
@user name (tried using instead)
marble is I just drag the cursor over your name under the avatar and copy it, then paste it into the post it brings the link over too. Try to put a space in after the place you are going to post, though, or it drags the formatting into the next text you type. I think it will work on The Blurst of Times too.
Richard Haseltine
Yes, that seems to work but would the notification work without the @ (assuming the notification gets fixed someday)?
@Richard Haseltine
Let's see if it works?
As far as I know the @ has never been necessary.
I guess we'll have to wait until they fix the notifications to find out.
I'm confused, I never knew that typing "@"Username did anything but highlight the name... what does it, or rather what is it supposed to do when I type @whatever-the-person's-username?
Links to their profile, and (theoretically) notifies the user that you've mentioned them.
Exactly. If I click on @Gordig it should (and does) take me to your profile but the main point of my query was the notification part. On the other forum I am notified whenever someone replies/quotes my post or whenever they include @myname in their post. That's handy when trying to keep track of discussions.
That's weird... I've seen my username with the "@" a bunch of times over the years and I've never received a notice.
I just got a notification because of Marble's post, and I also saw a popup at the bottom of my screen telling me that he mentioned me in this thread.
Many users try to use the profile link with the @ but all you need to do is use plain text for the username. Any spaces or punctuation basically disqualify the name from the notification algorithm.
I stand corrected...
Actually I just realized that I may have gotten "notifications", but not like an email notification which I thought was an actual notification, but instead a notification in the area hidden under that gear symbol which I forget exists because unlike every other website I visit, DAZ keeps that stuff hidden under some weird gear icon... normal websites put that up at the top of the page so you see you have notifications or other info when you visit.
Apparently some time around 2019 the forum software started "notifying" me of stuff, but being that it never did that before I never even noticed that.
I really don't get how it's a notification if you have to actively look for it?
It's like leaving a memo for your coworkers in the broom closet instead of the bulletin board in hall.
What I'd really like to know is why I still have like 400+ bookmarks since I've like unchecked them at least three times in the past... can't I just delete them forever or throw them into the fires of Mount Doom or something, or are they more indestructible than The One Ring?
So even a copy/paste as Richard suggested (above) would not work for usernames with spaces?
Well that's a surprise! I assumed the notification wasn't working because I too thought a notification would, well, notify me. I didn't think that I had to go and look for it (I didn't even notice that they were there under the gear thingy). I actually believed that I had been notified by email in the past but maybe I was thinking of another forum.
[EDIT] And I was correct in that belief. I just had a scan through my DAZ email folder (I don't save everything but I do save forum responses) and I found this email (Subject Title) notification ...
[Daz 3D Forums] Richard Haseltine mentioned you in Material Zones
The only thing the "new" (post 2012) ever notified me of was Private Messages, but apparently that stopped/broke a couple of weeks ago.
See my edit (above). I don't know why some seem to get notifications and other not. Maybe it is a setting that I have forgotten? I'll check...
Yes, there are preferences to set for notifications. These are mine although I seem to have it set to pop-up for mentions but I have had emails in the past.
I remember reading about how to do it many, many years ago, and since it was so simple, never really questioned it. Every now and then, the subject comes up, and various workarounds are attempted, but nothing seems to work for those spaces and punctuation marks.
ETA: ...and those popups last about three seconds, so don't blink.
The last notifications we've received was on Nov 12th. We aren't getting notification when people report posts.
Ah, ok. So it is broken then. Thanks for confirming that.
well that explains a lot
I seem to have noticed that if you're away from the forum for a while it waits with showing it until you get back. At least I've experienced several times that it popped up right when I got back to the forum after being away for a while. Could be a coincidence of course.
Last time I checked my notifications they were all turned on but I didn't get any anyway. Then I unchecked them, saved, then checked them again, and saved. After that they worked again.