Filament hair apperance, need help!!

I'm dying on filament hair apperance, always show bald when slightly adjust the viewport angle, change between normal and bald in different angle randomly, no matter what kind shader or map I used, wasted me few days.
Who can help me....

filament hair.jpg
1481 x 665 - 165K
That can't be helped, it's a limit in filament that can't handle multiple layers of alpha maps thus transmapped hair. You should be able to use SBH or dForce hair just fine though, once you tessellate for the viewport. Below an example with mohawk.
edit. As for transmapped hair, if you really have to use them with filament, you can partially improve the appearence by setting the scalp 100% transparent, so that filament gets less layers to deal with. Or by removing the alpha map entirely but this way you lose the hair transparency. Below an example with toulouse.
or use toon hair without cutout opacity
I use fibermesh hairs myself, many exist for genesis 2 and can be moved to the floor using hip translate, converted to props then parented to 8s heads
Filament is just awful for transmapped stuff. Its why I only use it for making backgrounds I can postwork the hell out of.
Thanks Padone, WendyLuvsCatz and vrba79.
I heard it before that Filament has problems with layer, transparency, opacity, etc,. If Filament always shows scalp, it is understandable, however, it continually shifts between normal hair appearance and scalp, this is out of my understanding.
Anyway, yesterday when woke up, I suddenly got an idea, duplicate! Here it is:
1. Duplicate the hair;
2. rotate the duplicated hair(2) a little bit, say X Y rotate 0.5%;
3. if can not rotate the hair(2) itself, rotate its Hip;
4. now the figure has 2 hairs, it solved half of the scalp problem. If see scalp again, turn off one hair (hide), sometimes it works. If doesn't work, turn on it, turn off another one, back and forth in between, it should work by chance.
5. if there are few people in one scene, duplicate everyone's hair. The tricky is, when turn off one person's hair, other person's scalp may appear! Do the back and forth again until everyone's hair is normal.
6. last, can make one group for everyone's hair so that it is easy to find the hair before render. For this, the hair will be 'parent' to the group, but it doesn't matter for character's pose, hair will continually follow the person, or we can change the hair 'Fit to Mode' to Redirect Transforms in the Parameters tab.
7. Didn't try duplicate 2 or 3 hairs for one person, maybe try it later.
All right, that's it, duplicate, rotate, turn off, turn on, turn off..., what a stupid way, but at least life can go on. God bless Filament!
The scalp you can hide by setting opacity to 0%, so that is not a issue. Nevertheless transmapped hair will not render fine even without scalp.
uh, not yet. The scalp appeared is because the hair partially disappered because the Filament transparency problem, so even hide the scalp, the hair still not appear, it looks more weird.