Discord Server Signup and Coupon Questions/Issues
I figured Id make an offical thread for anyone having issues signing up to Discord, linking the two accounts, or having issues using the coupons so we can keep them all in one spot.
At the moment I am working on trying to post some instructions that should help. That said, sadly, I all ready had signed up before doing these so I am not 100% sure if I have every step here. If anyone tries this and I am missing a step, please let me know.
Step One:
Use this page: https://www.daz3d.com/join-our-nfp-discord to sign up for a Discord account (If you don't have one - I don't believe you need to use the same e-mail account as your Daz 3D e-mail for the Discord Signup) and then you will be sent to the Non-Fungible People Discord Server.
Step Two:
Once you have joined the Discord Server, go to the "verify-here" channel/room (it has a Green Checkmark icon showing in front of the words and it may be the room you land in but I can't recall)
Then do what it says there at the bottom of the info in that room (there is an icon/reaction to the post that you need to click on)
(And lastly, wait to be verified which generally doesn't take much time - I believe once you are verified that it shows you the other Channels on the Server)
Step Three:
Once you are finished Step Two, be sure you are logged into your Daz 3D Account here on the website (or make one if you are new to the website) and then click on the second link on this page: https://www.daz3d.com/join-our-nfp-discord that says "Step 2: Link with Daz"
And then select Authorize on the next screen.
Step Four:
Once you have done all that, you should be able to use the various coupon codes (You put those in on the shopping cart screen where it says Enter a Coupon Code Here and then hit apply) (though give it a little time to be sure all steps have gone through)
If you are having issues with Verification:
In the Discord Server, go down to the last Channel that says Support and go to # open-a-ticket. Once there, there is a link to Create a Ticket so you can let them know you are having an issue.
To create the Help Ticket on Discord:
Go to open-a-ticket channel under support
Click on the button there that says "Create a Ticket" (The button will be grey with an envelop with a blue down arrow on it)
Once you click the button, it will post a message from the Ticket Tool that says
Ticket created #ticket-and then a random number (Example #ticket-0000)
Clicking on that #ticket line will take you to the ticket.
From there you can type to us and let us know what your issue is and we can try to assist you.
If you are having issues with the current coupon code (IE Coupon Code Invalid):
Please be sure to check the daz-daily-deals Channel in the Non-Fungible People Discord Server for the currect coupon code that is on the server.
Also, be sure you are using the right codes for the right products - there are only specific products that certain coupon codes apply to so be sure to double check Also be sure to check daz-daily-deals to see if there is a link to a specific area of the store in order to use xyz coupon code. The link generally will have a Green text color to it or will be a link shown in Bright Blue
For the free item product list/link:
The link for the selection of items is in the channel called daz-daily-deals under Giveaways and Contests (has a little hour glass icon in front of the name of the channel) in the Non-Fungible People Server on Discord (The link is in the very first post in that channel). You can only use the coupon on the items/products that areshown when you click that link.
If you are having an issue signing up to Discord itself (not the specific Daz 3D Server but rather the main client that holds all the different servers):
I believe you can submit a help ticket to Discord here: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Sadly, that is not something we would be able to help resolve.
Is an instant messaging and digital distribution platform. Users communicate with voice calls, video calls, text messaging, media and files in private chats or as part of communities called "servers" If you are of the AOL days you can think of them as individual Chatrooms that are on a specifc topic or created by a specific person or company etc. (So you can make a server, Daz 3D or a Game Development Company could, etc) The only difference is that unlike a chatroom, the server is broken up into multiple rooms (channels) that cover various topic within that server.
Non-Fungible People:
The the name of the server Daz 3D has created on Discord. It is also the name of NFT Collection Daz 3D has which has unique features to most NFTs. You can find more information on that here: https://nfp.daz3d.com/ and here: https://blog.daz3d.com/daz-3d-breaks-the-mold-with-head-turning-nft-collection/
An area within the server (you can think of it as different rooms within the same house or apartment) that is devoted to a specific topic.
Is linking my Daz 3D Account to the Discord Server safe?
Answer: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/7181801/#Comment_7181801
Why is Discord asking to have access to my list of Discord servers that I participate in?
Where can I find information on the Daz 3D Non-Fungible People Holiday Challenge?
What is an NFP (Non-Fungible Person/People)?
What is this "Non-Fungible People" all about???
Where is in discord the daz-daily-deals discord channel?
Because I have 2 existing Discord accounts (for non-Daz stuff) , I tried using them but neither was able to be linked with Daz. So I created a new Discord Account (which required a different email, so I used my personal non Daz related email), which I was able to link and be verified.
The coupon for the Daily Deal doesn’t work, though
Once you are in the Non-Fungible People Server, it is located under Giveaways and Contests - 3rd option from the bottom under that heading
Maybe this link will help:
Which is on this page: https://www.daz3d.com/ under Learn More
Are you sure you have been verified in the DIscord Server (See Step Two above)? To be sure, you could try double checking with one of the moderators in there. I sadly didn't pay attention to that specific part (I signed up a couple days back) so I can't recall how I knew when it was verified.
I tried over the course of six hours to get verified. I did all the steps as indicated and never got past the "oops you're not verified" message, as I indicated in the other thread. Guess I've missed out on the freebie at this point.
They had done a bunch of verifications awhile ago. Have you checked to see if you are verified now? If not, let me know and I'll see what you need to do.
If you still can't gain access, please open up a Ticket in the Discord Server under "Open a Ticket" which is in the very last group of Channels in the Server under Support (There is a link there to create a Ticket)
Yes, have actually triple checked it by clicking on the "love you gesture" ; I can see the different server channels, which is how I was able to find the daz-daily-deal
No, I am still not verified. But I have uninstalled the app at this point. Very frustrating.
If you still can't gain access, please open up a Ticket in the Discord Server under "Open a Ticket" which is in the very last group of Channels in the Server under Support (There is a link there to create a Ticket)
Hopefully that helps
Thanks for responding so quickly. :) But the only reason I was willing to look into this app was yesterday's offer for a freebie, and that window has passed now--and I've wasted way too much time on this already. Really I just wanted to post in here to offer feedback that the signup option needs some work, because I'm sure I'm not the only one who threw up there hands about this yesterday. These kinds of things should really be better tested before launching them, just my two cents!
If you put in the ticket through the steps here:
If you still can't gain access, please open up a Ticket in the Discord Server under "Open a Ticket" which is in the very last group of Channels in the Server under Support (There is a link there to create a Ticket)
and mention you had some issues, they should be able to help you coupon wise, though I do understand if you don't want to fight with it anymore. But if you change your mind and attempt to try, let me know and I'll do what I can to help you sort it out. I am very sorry the process was frustrating
Seems these new "daz-daily-deals" have the same problem that most new stuff at DAZ has: office time colliding with the time in the internet... like... when going to Discord and checking the daz-daily-deals channel, I get a message that says "Today only: Link your Discord ID to your Daz Account to get a FREE* Select Daz Original with Coupon Code: DAZ120321 Visit these items: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-item-for-you-1", but leads to to a not working coupon code, due to being a day late... because for today there's already a new message, only delivered by pink banner though, saying "Today only, Non-Fungible People Discord members get an EXTRA 10% OFF* up to 4 Select Daz Original Items with Coupon Code:*********" which isn't visible on Discord...
In other words: DAZ, get your **** together and at least try to work like a big company and not like a mom&pop's shop. If there's a new day with a new code, it is supposed to be on at the start of the day, not only when you managed to wake up while the rest of the country, nay, the world is already up for hours...
Im going to check into said issue (on the coupon code)
I've sorted out what I think the issue is and have reported it. Sorry for any inconvenience. I'll mention here once I know its resolved
Thanks muchly @DAZ_ann0314; ticket opened
Ack! Just saw this after the last post Understood and will keep an eye on this thread
It took me a bit to sort out which coupon exactly, where the code was, and what the issue was (was it the verification part, linking to the store, wrong product choice, the actual coupon, all the above LOL). I've now updated the main post with all the relevant information so hopefully that will help (other than the coupon code issue which is being looked at)
So very sorry about that and for any hair-pulling I may have caused.
Thanks for the update, Ann No hair pulling here since I shaved my head yesterday And even if I didn't there's not enough left to pull
Best regards,
Thanks, Ann, I'll check again when I get up in the morning to see if anything has changed.
They've extended the code an additional day for anyone that missed out so if it wasn't working for you (invalid code error) please try again and let us know if you are still having an issue.
I just wanted to say that after how much trouble I had with this, I really appreciate you taking the time to put this together.
You are very welcome. Please let me/us know if you have any other questions or issues
We've extended the freebie from yesterday thru today and will have a new daily deal for those who join our discord tomorrow! Enjoy :)
@DAZ_ann0314 Thank you so so much for the help, Ann The coupon works now
WooHoo Thankies much for the update, Jessica
Do I need to click the goat-head emoji to get verified, or is that a separate thing?
Sorry for the dumb question but I'm a little skittish... this is my 2nd try, the 1st time around I got banned for seemingly no reason, so I want to do it right this time. I can't afford to get banned on discord again!
Give me one sec to go look