DAZ Studio 4.16 - Problem with Genesis 8 and 8.1 Females part II

Hello guys!

This is the second time when I've got problems only with GENESIS 8 FEMALES ( other figures like G2Female, G3F or G8 Males they are loading without any problem ). I tried to fix this as PerttiA by her post on this forum but after I just restart the software - a problem still appears.

 I just uptaded DAZ Studio to 4.16 version but it dosent help at all...

Someone mentioned on DAZ discussion that it's no good to have to many Content in one place and this can cause problems (I've got about 4 different partition for library content and still loading any Genesis character takes some time than it was  in earlier versions of DAZ).

So as You can see on  the pictures below only G8F and G8.1F dosent work ( instead of normal characters I've got monsters). Unsuccessfully I tired to find some video tutorial on YOUTOUBE. Is there anyone of You had similar problems or knows how to reslove my problem??

PROBLEM with G8Females 11.2021.jpg
1296 x 1016 - 732K
G8Females vol.2.jpg
1292 x 920 - 661K


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    You apparently have a morph with a non-zero default value.

    Try the method in this thread: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/7178796/#Comment_7178796


  • Thank's Leana but I know about this thread (it helps me by the first time).

    Maybe I should ask PerttiA to be more specific / more details about her fix method: I don't know what I should do exactly in step 3 (,,part 4 zeroes only 'visible' dials" -  so in this step I must set 0 for visible dials - where is this option in paramatres tab??). The all remaining steps are quite understandable to me but do I have to repeat all steps everytime when I restart DAZ studio and want to reload a new G8 figures??

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024
    edited December 2021

    It's him, and as I have written, you right click at the Parameters Tab and you find Parameters, Zero and Memorize in the drop down menu, they can also be found in main menus, Edit->Figure->

    1. Open DS and load "Genesis 8 Basic Female" (to an empty scene)
    2. Right Click at Parameters Tab->Preferences->Choose "Show Hidden Properties" (part 3 zeroes only 'visible' dials)
    3. Right Click at Parameters Tab->Zero->Zero Figure (Zeroes the value of all the 'visible' dials)
    4. Right Click at Parameters Tab->Memorize->Memorize Figure (Sets the current value of all the dials as their default value)
    5. Edit->Save As->Support Asset->Save Modified Assets (Writes the changed default value to the morph files that were changed)

    When saving "Modified Assets" DS shows a dialog and asks for confirmation;
    "The following file(s) will be permanently modified:" - "Accept/Cancel" - Choose "Accept"

    I can think of only two reasons why this wouldn't work,

    1. You have the ill-behaving morphs installed in several places (products installed with DAZ Connect after being installed with DIM/DAZ Central/Manuallly)
    2. You have saved a character as an "Asset" with the dials at non-zero value

    Post edited by PerttiA on
  • Thank's PerttiA for your replay, yes apparently I have morphs installed in several places  beacuse everytime I restart DAZ Studio - the ill-behaving morphs is still appers...

    That's a bit strange beacuse  after I did this operation: ,,Right Click at Parameters Tab->Zero->Zero Figure"- I've got a normal-basic figure for Genesis 8Female (just for a moment) . I reinstaled again only G8F basic for products and the problem didn't disappear:( if somethnig wrong with G8F morphs why all others figures like: G2F/3M, G3F/3M and G8Males they are charging without any problem??).

    So, if my problem concerns all characters installed in several places (on about 4 partitons - how can I solve it?). Do I have to search them manually and delete one by one?? Is that enough??

    I want to emphasize clearly - others fgures/clothes/characters are also instaled in a few places but they're working just fine... This is a very strange situation don't You think??



  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Reinstalling G8F helps nothing, as the problem is not with the G8F base, and not with DS either, so don't reinstall DS in trying.

    As the ill-behaving morph can be whatever, you need to identify it and for that you need to use the "Currently Used" filter.

    Load "Genesis 8 Basic Female" (to an empty scene), and with the figure selected and "Show Hidden" checked, use the "Currently Used" in Parameters Tab to see which dials have a non-zero value.

    If nothing obvious comes up, Zero the figure and check again, now the offending morph should be on the list with the value zero in white letters.

  • Thank's a lot PerttiA but when I checked the "Currently Used" in Parameters Tab I can only restore figure to zero...

    Every time that I chosse a new G8F from my content liblary I can only ,,fix my problem" by use: ZILPHA HEAD/ BODY to 0 value but in this way I will receive only another clone of that same character (basic G8F figure).

    Even when I save my basic G8F character (with zero /memorize /and other steps as You posted earlier) and open DAZ Studio again I get again monster figure...

    I'm really stuck... I'm out of options

    G8Female test01.jpg
    1920 x 868 - 842K
    G8Female test02.jpg
    832 x 1016 - 539K
    G8Female test03.jpg
    1920 x 924 - 978K
    G8Female test04.jpg
    1920 x 940 - 997K
  • Zilpha was fixed two years ago, please redownload and reisntall. http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/read_me/index/64695/start

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    lord Adam said:

    Thank's a lot PerttiA but when I checked the "Currently Used" in Parameters Tab I can only restore figure to zero...

    Every time that I chosse a new G8F from my content liblary I can only ,,fix my problem" by use: ZILPHA HEAD/ BODY to 0 value but in this way I will receive only another clone of that same character (basic G8F figure).

    Even when I save my basic G8F character (with zero /memorize /and other steps as You posted earlier) and open DAZ Studio again I get again monster figure...

    I'm really stuck... I'm out of options

    Have you downloaded and installed the updated Zilpha character from DAZ? 

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897

    I've encountered a couple of characters where the value in all the dials is zero, but they are still being dialed up when you load the base G8F.

    The problem is ERC based, basically one or more Formula in the product is "pushing" an active value into a dial as it's being loaded by DS.

    Pretty sure Zilpha was one of those, but it's been a couple of years since I "fixed" it, but as I can't find my notes on her I can't be 100% certain.

  • lord Adamlord Adam Posts: 125
    edited December 2021

    Yes  PerttiA I just downloaded and e updated Zilpha character in my Content liblary but nothing works well...

    I just set up any of G8Female cfigure to Zilpha base FACE/BODY character. As You can see on the picture below - I 've got two ,,different charcters" in my scene (different eyes and skin texture)but body structure is the same. I think that nothing more can be done so

    2characters XII.2021.jpg
    1920 x 1016 - 1M
    Post edited by lord Adam on
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