When is Daz going to make Realistic Deer, Rain Deer to go with Santa?

When is Daz going to make Realistic Deer, Rain Deer to go with Santa?
and also Moose too, the moose on there now is not Realistic enough to be consider good to come close to "Real"!!!
If you don't mind the cost, extremely realistic deer can be found at another 3D web store, the one whose name begins with "render." Just search for "deer" when you visit.
Renderosity can be named not linked
@Deepsea made Tane for DAZ Horse 2, which I think looks great:
- Greg
Damn, that look good enough to hunt!
That isn't a Reindeer though :)
This one isn't too terrible.
There's also the Hivewire Caribou, which requires the Hivewire Horse.
I agree. And basically reindeer and caribou are the same. Domesticated reindeer => Europe and wild => Canada ;-)
Hivewire ones I got, I mean their bussiness went under, they closed up shop, and are not making anymore deer or horses anymore or any other models for that matter.
and Hivewire was so far the best ones, the AM ones and the AM moose EWWW, not so good and not so realistic either.
All their stuff is now at Renderosity.
you can also contact them and get all your purchases added to your Renderosity account, mine finally appeared as "gifts" the other week
Reindeer & Sleigh
between the ones done and the hivewire ones... there are probably enough that there is not real market for doing more.
So unlikely Daz would hire someone to make one... nor that a PA will feel the time is rewarding enough for the effort
probably just google for them ... there are a number of them out there.
Yeh need an oven to go with that venison.