Carrara Challenge #16 Myth and Legend
Carrara Challenge #16
Myth and Legend
For as long as there has been art, artists in all mediums have gone back to the deep well of mythology for inspiration. This month’s challenge is to emulate those artists and show us a scene of your own that is inspired by myth and legend.
Your subject can be anything from any myth, legend, fairytale, folk story or tall tale. You might stick to a “classic” version of the story, or completely reinterpret the idea. Choose a story everyone knows or delve deeper and share a tale that’s not so well known. You do not have to limit yourself to just “on screen” scenes from existing myths; you can also present an image which simply represents a favorite legendary character or setting or show us your own might-have-happened image that fits in with existing myths.
See above thread for full rules
Fabulous Prizes
Thank you to our generous sponsor DAZ 3D for once again offering the following awards to the winners:
1st Place: $100.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
2nd Place: $50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
3rd Place: $25.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
Honorable Mention: $10.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
Dates to remember:
Challenge Thread opens for WIP submissions: 2 March 2015
Entry Thread opens: 16 March 2015
Entry Closes: 30 March 2015 23:59:59 CMT (UTC-6)
Voting Period: 31 March 2015 0:00:01 CMT (UTC-6) to 7 April 2015 23:59:59 CMT (UTC-6)
Here is my idea. Can you guess the legend? Suggestions welcome.
Check out the WIP thread for a Thor idea, a fiddle idea, an Atlantis idea, a Superman idea, and a Sword-n-the-Stone idea.
Enter a myth or a legend of your own.
There are some really cool things going on in this month's Carrara challenge. It's been a little easy going compared to some of them, but the work displayed so far has all of the imagination we've come to expect from our Carrara artists.
For instance, Page 16 of the WIP thread has these posts:
Headwax has a post where he shows the finishing touches on his very painterly entry:
Stezza's latest WIP is showing Thor's displeasure at using a beta version of Carrara:
DADA_universe shows off the progress of his African based mythological figure. I would search out his other posts regarding this entry, as the description of figure and similarities to northern European myths is very interesting.
My WIP discusses using different renders, render passes and Photoshop to composite volumetric light effects and volumetric particle smoke trails to my render:
The image below is the non-postworked version. Check out the WIP post to see the process I used to get my final entry.
Just to let anybody know that happens across this thread, follows the Carrara Monthly challenges, or is just plain curious about what Carrara is, what it can do, or how it can be another tool in your CG toolbox, there is apparently a March Madness catchup sale going. See this post and this thread:
Carrara really is very cool, for those who don't have it already, the catchup sale is the perfect opportunity, incredibly low price for the most capable software I've yet encountered.
Bumping this thread and adding my contribution. :)
Too true., so cheap and so good it's a crime .
Entries have been submitted. Anyone with a Daz account can vote.
march went so fast.
I voted.
me too :)
here's mine BTW
I voted as well! It was hard to decide, but well worth it!
To all you other Carrara artists, especially all the new ones I see popping in with questions from time to time: These challenges can be a great way to learn about Carrara, what it can do and how to do it, and to meet and exchange ideas with some talented artists, each with their own Carrara experience level and unique way to use it! Please, share your vision with us!