Question on HDRI scaling

Has anyone figured out the ideal relationship between dome scale, dome scale multiplier, and ground texture scale to keep the HDRI image from "warping" at the bottom? No matter what I do with HDRIs that I download, I have this problem. I generally get the best results from using Finite Dome with Ground, but it's still very frustrating, and some images are unuseable in the end.
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- Greg
Thank you. It seems like it's basically trial and error, and depends on the HDRI being used. I have varying results.
It's not trial and error. The camera xPos and zPos must be 0 to avoid warping (especially when using a w/Ground option). The yPos (height) of the camera should match the height of the camera when the HDRI was created.
If your camera is not at this position, there are parameters to adjust things effectively accomplishing the same thing, but it's easiest to just position your camera at the origin and adjust the height (y).
- Greg
I've read this elsewhere, but how can one know what the Y height was? And I take it that you'll then have to move your subject to accommodate the camera position for the shots?
I set my default camera at Y=170 which in DAZ Studio is centimetres or about eye height for me and where I would hold my camera so for a tripod doing HDRI I would say 125 which would be just above waist height. It all depends on how the camera was set up by the photographer.
I would also try changing the Ground Texture Scale as I am sure I had to do that a few times. I also tend not to use the Dome setting With Ground and I also vary between Auto and Manual.
Thank you. I'll have to try it.