OpenGL issue

Hi- When I use my laptop's screen I can run DAZ just fine, but when I hook up two monitors for dual display, DAZ will not start up and I get an OpenGL error msg (see screenshot). This new laptop has integrated Radeon graphics and an Nvidia RTX 3080 graphics card. Could it be that DAZ is only looking at the Radeon and not the Nvidia when I'm using two monitors? How do I fix this?

627 x 132 - 33K
Go to "Help>About your video card" adn see what it's looking at
Is that within DAZ? DAZ won't even start up, all I get is that OpenGL message.
Both the radeon and the nVidia chip should be way past that version of OpenGL, it sounds as if to support the external monitors the laptop is droping to a very basic driver. Which display (monitor one, monitor two, or the laptop screen) is set as primary (I don't have such a system so not sure where the setting would be)?
I found a work-around. I am able to start up DAZ with the laptop lid open, and when I close the lid DAZ works fine on the dual monitors. So, every time I want to use DAZ I will need to open the lid first...PITA.