Head Propagating Scale and eyelashes?

Hello -
I'm creating a G8M-based female character, and have autofitted G8F eyelashes to the G8M platform. I need to use the Head Propagating Scale to enlarge the character's head a bit to balance it with the body proportionately, but the autofitted G8F eyelashes don't seem to enlarge with the head, and instead become displaced/distorted. Does anyone have a solution for this, or am I just stuck with the default G8M eyelashes?
Thank you!
Post edited by RenderPretender on
The Genesis 8 lashes are just flat planes with an oapcity mask - have you tried just copying the female materials to the male and using a length adjustment if necessary?
The donor G8F's lashes have separate uppers and lowers, each witrh their own materials. They appear to be fibermesh, perhaps.I just applied the upper's materials to the G8M lashes, and it'll have to do. Butv they're nowhere near as long and attractive as the donor lashes. Wish I could get them to work like a wearable.