Exports: Geoshell and Hair not remain in T Pose

Hey everyone!
I try to export a G8M Figure with body hair geoshell and hair in a pose. It works in the default pose but when I export in the right pose, only the G8M Figure actually is in the right pose. Obviously the other two elements are parented so I am not sure what the issue is. I also think that I did this a year ago without any trouble.
Do you have any clues to what might cause this issue? i have attached a screenshot of what this export looks like...
Thank you very much in advance!

1920 x 1080 - 416K
In Daz Studio, each asset has its own skeleton, even if it's parented to something else. The parent skeleton propagates its bone rotations to its children. In something like Blender however, each item must be parented to one overarching skeleton (or you need to assign a Copy Rotation constraint to every single bone).
I'm guessing it's the same here. The hair and geoshell have their own skeletons, and the program doesn't propagate the transforms from the figure.
Thank you so much @margrave for your reply!
When I exported Figures with Geoshell and Hair last year with Daz 4.15, they were already fitted to the main skeleton and everything looked fine in the fbx or when imported in Blender or CLO3D. Is there a way to export from Daz with only one skeleton or how to fix this otherwise? I always end up with only one skeleton so I cannot simply copy the rotation from one to the other skeleton.
Thanks again!
In Blender, if you export with the Diffeomorphic bridge, there's an option to merge skeletons. I don't know about the program you're using, sorry.
Thank you anyway!
I tried different software to open the file, both exported as fbx and dae.
I finally got to export it with only one skeleton, so that's great, but the weight/parenting is still so off... It doesn't work with Clo, Mixamo or blender and looks as seen in the screenshots. It's so frustrating, because it all worked fine with an earlier version of DAZ. Anyone else has an idea why the rig does not correspond at all with the mesh?
Don't export the HD resolution, use the base.
I did not get to fix this but I want to quickly share what I did, in case other people have the same issue:
I recreated the DAZ figure by saving shape presets and applying it to a new file. For some reason, it exported well and it must have been an issue with the file. Hair was properly attached to the main rig but NOT the geoshell. I still did not figure out how to do that part.