I had to stop your video after three seconds as the cat was looking alarmed (though since she is sitting on top of the PC tower, probabbly blocking ventillation and adding fur, it might not have been a bad idea to encourage her to leave)
In deepest, darkest Africa, the drums were going all night. The intrepid explorer asked his intrepid guide to get them to stop. The guide said "No". Explorer "Why not?" Guide "Stop drums get bass solo".
Hope everyone celebrating Christmas had a great one. I got to hang out with family in Texas so that was great. But no Carrara time. I should be back to my place later in the week.
Just try to forget that Soylent Green is set in 2022.
All the Jingle Cats are bonkers... but I still love them!
OMG that reminds me, I discoved my kitty knocking my Midi controller off my keyboard broke the volume slider off.
I discovered it because I was actually going to sample a meow to use as an instrument!
I pulled it apart and now have 2 screws over
but at least got it working again albeit cannot change the volume
it was spazzing out as shorting before
Meow as an instrument. Hmmmm. You could do the Hallelujah Chorus with a kitty choir then!
The Ailurluliah Chorus?
I had to stop your video after three seconds as the cat was looking alarmed (though since she is sitting on top of the PC tower, probabbly blocking ventillation and adding fur, it might not have been a bad idea to encourage her to leave)
Silly? No, this is war! War against squirrels and similar. And we humans are losing.
Happy holidays.
coyote or fox urine, just the thing to make your garden festive
A favorite variation on the original post.
Need a gift for a video game player? This is not it.
OMG I have Farming simulator I got for free from Epic, I see why it was free
that, that looks much woirse
I hear the company has another game in development, a nail clipping sim.
In deepest, darkest Africa, the drums were going all night. The intrepid explorer asked his intrepid guide to get them to stop. The guide said "No". Explorer "Why not?" Guide "Stop drums get bass solo".
But maybe that's not all bad:
These are all making me laugh! Great thread!
awesome guitarist
any Mr. Bean fans?
I added it to my watch later list for Christmas day along with this gem among others
Indeed. And just in case anyone missed it, that's a bass guitar (four strings).
Some favorite US college team nicknames, great T-shirts for gifts:
Scottsdale Community College: Fighting Artichokes
Univ. of California Santa Cruz: Banana Slugs
Univ. of American Samoa: Land Crabs (OK, no real University, but a lot of websites & gear)
Rhode Island School of Design: Nads. (T-shirt: "Go Nads")
bit late because I got distracted by Christmas but I like this version
I hope everyone had a great Christmas
the quietness of this forum suggests most did, I even saw my brother AND SIL after a year,
last saw my brother on my birthday in February
Hope everyone celebrating Christmas had a great one. I got to hang out with family in Texas so that was great. But no Carrara time. I should be back to my place later in the week.
Just try to forget that Soylent Green is set in 2022.
Spec's Liquor is a Houston institution. For one thing, they give a discount for cash (charging extra for credit cards is illegal in Texas).