OT: I'll be speaking at MegaCon in Orlando on April 10th

jch_212b05a497jch_212b05a497 Posts: 13
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I just wanted to let everyone know that I'll be speaking at a panel at the Orlando MegaCon in April. I'll be joining a few friends and we'll be talking about the history of video games, from programming in assembly language on the Apple II computer to using Poser models in Unity, and even what the future might bring. We'll then have a booth on the exhibition floor to talk with people and to show off my friend's game. Plus, we'll have a lot of free goodies to give away... but I don't want to spoil the surprise and say what we'll have.

Here are the details:
Orlando MegaCon (click for more information)
April 10-12, 2015
Orange County Convention Center, West Exhibit Hall, Orlando, FL

Our panel will be on Friday, April 10, at 2:00pm. We don't know the exact location yet, but look for the video game panel by Limn Interactive. Or to stay updated, follow Limn Interactive on Facebook.

Some of the guests at MegaCon include Stan Lee, Karen Gillan, Jenna-Louise Coleman, Arthur Darvill, and Alex Kingston (from "Doctor Who"), Ron Perlman ("Hellboy"), Adam Baldwin, Alan Tudyk, and Summer Glau (from "Firefly") and more.

If you're going to MegaCon, stop by and say hi!


  • jch_212b05a497jch_212b05a497 Posts: 13
    edited March 2015

    I also wanted to let everyone know that my friend and I will be hosting a party the night before MegaCon: the 2015 Orlando Indie Game Fest - MegaCon Video Game Party. Anyone interested in showing portfolios, games, or demos are welcome to get involved. This is a great chance to network with other people. :)

    The event will be held at the Player 1 Video Game Bar, in Lake Buena Vista, located around the corner from Walt Disney World.
    There's no additional fee for the party other than the cover charge that the location may charge.
    Since the location is at a bar that serves alcohol, the party is for ages 21 and up... but please feel free to bring your kids to MegaCon.

    More details and an RSVP form can be found on the Limn Interactive website: http://limninteractive.com/wdp/?page_id=5

    Post edited by jch_212b05a497 on
  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531
    edited December 1969


    I won't lie, if I ever get back into doing comics again part of it will be for being a convention guest. :lol:

    The green room was like a mini convention all unto itself.

  • jch_212b05a497jch_212b05a497 Posts: 13
    edited December 1969

    I have another update: the Schedule of Events (PDF) has been posted!
    My panel is the Video Games and Game Development Panel and it'll be in Room 206A, on Friday, April 10th, from 1:00pm-1:50pm.

  • jch_212b05a497jch_212b05a497 Posts: 13
    edited December 1969

    I just wanted to let everyone know about a change in the schedule: our Indie Game Party at the Player One Video Game bar will be on Wednesday, April 8th, not Thursday, April 9th. It will start at the same time: 7:00 pm.

  • jch_212b05a497jch_212b05a497 Posts: 13
    edited December 1969

    I just wanted to let everyone know that MegaCon has been great so far.

    Our panel talk on video games and digital artwork went very well. There were over 250 people in the room- in fact, people were standing against the side and rear walls.
    We talked about past game development on an Apple II, then making artwork on the Apple IIGS, then modern-day game development of making models in Lightwave, rigging it in Poser Pro Game Dev, exporting to fbx format, and then bringing the model into Unity.
    We then answered some questions from the audience- one lady asked if it was better to learn more skills and have a broad knowledge or concentrate on being an expert in one skill.

    One of the fun things that happened is that we met a lady cosplaying as Padme Amidala from "Star Wars: Episode II- Attack of the Clones". She even helped us pass out flyers to people as they came into the room!

    The convention itself was full of people in costume. We saw tons of "Doctor Who", "Star Wars", and even some huge Mech Warrior style outfits that people made themselves!

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