Moving the viewport view seems to change the brightness?

With the default render settings (Dome and Scene with HDRI), my character looks great.
Then I move around the scene with the navigator tool, and my character turns intensly white (as if blasted by the sun). If I continue to move around more, they may get even more white, or less white. The same angle which was previously not bright at all, is suddenly intensly bright.
None of this seems to make any sense as I'm not touching any setting other than moving around. Can anyone explain this?
What version of Daz Studio?
I've heard similar complaints since they rolled out 4.16. Sounds like some kind of issue with the specular/fresnel effect in Iray. I'm still on 4.15, so I haven't seen anything like that.
hen you chnage the view the preview will drop to smooth shaded while the data is updated, but it should then revert to a rendered version (though in the past doing too many moves too close together has seemed inclined to make the process drop to CPU, which is of course slower).
Try typing control-L; it toggles the camera fill-light ("preview lights") on and off. The default render setting is texture shaded, the default HDRI provides extraordinarily flat lighting, but if you changed the HDRI then texture shading can give you black or white without the preview lights.
Preview lights is a verb phrase, it is previwing the lights, not a noun, a set of preview lights. that is why the entry in the Window menu is on by default and off when you switch to the pseudo-headlamp.