Animation path



  • Ivy said:

    The reason I said preferred  graphmate over the daz graph editor is because i can undock graphmate move it to another monitor and I can full open the Daz keyframe editor to access all the properties in the properties panel at the same time and work with graphmate fully open at the same time. during a animation.cycle

    I've never found away to undock the daz graph editor from the daz timeline so you can work with them both fully open at the same time , so for that reason i prefer the graphmate editor,.  Keymate and the Daz Timeline editor are basically the same dopesheet.

    You can of course undock the whole Timeline, then use the dividier to control how much space is given, at any one time, to dope sheet and how much to graph.

  • Ivy said:

    Hmm How the best way I explain the graph editor ?

    The Graph editor is really an addition to the timeline, it allows you to edit the timeline keyframes vertically instead of horizontally as the keyframe editor does.  This makes the graph editor very useful for bending & cleaning up the motion on timeline dopeshheet as you move along the timeline you can effect the motions by bending the upper or lower bars on the animation.  A simple example would be like if you animated a ball being thrown  .. when you drag the ball prop from point A to point B on the timeline  you will get a just straight line. you can bend that motion with the graph editor to give the ball a arch to the movement.making the animation appear more natural

    Daz has a tut on the graph editor

    I hope that helps  :)

    Do note that the video is referring to nodes when it means keys.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Ivy said:

    The reason I said preferred  graphmate over the daz graph editor is because i can undock graphmate move it to another monitor and I can full open the Daz keyframe editor to access all the properties in the properties panel at the same time and work with graphmate fully open at the same time. during a animation.cycle

    I've never found away to undock the daz graph editor from the daz timeline so you can work with them both fully open at the same time , so for that reason i prefer the graphmate editor,.  Keymate and the Daz Timeline editor are basically the same dopesheet.

    You can of course undock the whole Timeline, then use the dividier to control how much space is given, at any one time, to dope sheet and how much to graph.

    I have done that before.  but having the keyframe editor for me is eaiser to use under the viewport. viewing each line i am working on as not to bump another line. on the dopesheet

    I use the graph editor on the other mointer wide open to see all the nodes i working with and which ones need to be effected for the proper changes. .. it may not be the correct way of doing things but it just makes it easier for me

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