A Couple of Questions on, DAZ Studio versions and Face Transfer

Hey Guys,
So in watching a product video for 'Face Transfer Unlimited' today, it say that the 'Face Transfer' tab is avaialble from the 'Window / Panes /' tab Menu. In looking for this on my system, it is not avaialble in my DAZ Studio version 4.16 (Mac). The video states that it will be there, and you can try out the feature, but it will have a "DAZ Logo on the forehead until you pay for 'Face Transfer'". So I assume that it is a new feature and is now a part of Studio 4.1.16, but yet you have to buy it as an add-on to use the functionality. Is this correct?
Also, from within DAZ Studio, it says that I am currently on version
But Daz Central says that I am currently on version 4.15.
Yet, in looking here in the forums its posted that there is a version
Is 'Face Transfer' only in this latest listed version? A little confused here.
Why the inconsistant numbers here? Why would my DAZ Central say that I am on 4.15, when the DAZ Studio app itself, says that I am on a later version,
OK..., nevermind. Just re-scrolled the page to the fine print, on the 'Face Tranfers Unlimited' page, and noticed that is 'does not work on Mac'. Windows 64-bit only.
Thanks again, DAZ. Good to know Mac users are still in second-tier citizen status. ;-)