DAZStudio install failed with the DIM (macOS Monterey)...

the DIM all seems to be normal, except install DAZStudio... I don't know how to fix this... please help

截屏2021-12-15 下午2.47.40.png
1922 x 420 - 263K

截屏2021-12-15 下午2.47.31.png
1182 x 666 - 343K
Post edited by Iamcaobin on
Well I'm on Windows and always install D/S manually. W10 always pops up a protective alert that I have to okay before anything is installed.
Need some mac user help
Did you try deelting the package (right/control-click menu) and redownloading?
Yes I've tried redownload and install, but still failed
Which version of MacOS is this?
I remember having some Mac user saying in similar case that you need to tell whatever protections used, that this application is ok to install - Can't give any better instructions as the last time I used a Mac was back in 1988
macOS Monterey 12.0.1
Maybe you should add (MAC) to the title of the message, that way the MAC users would notice
Good idea!
This may be relevant https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/5529916/#Comment_5529916
Perfect! thanks for your kindly help