What is the usage of Iray Emissive Shader?
Here is my question for making emissive light.
I tried to make a ghost light by primitive plane, Without apply the Iray Emissive Shader, and it still works as a ghost light.
So my question is, why should some toturials told us to apply the Iray Emissive Shader? What is the usage of that shader since people can simply adjust the emission in the surface tab to get same result? Thanks.
It's just a shortcut.
The same is true for many of those shaders. You don't need a water shader... you can just set Refraction Weight to 1.0, Refraction Index to 1.3, and Thin Walled to Off.
But you need to know that first! Plus, just clicking a preset may be more convenient.
OH thanks! Now I understood what shader is, I always thought shader was a mysterious physical factor or container.
Well... IRayUber is the shader, the presets are just that, shader presets.