can't find my save scene

hello! i just got a new computer and i install all my content in a secondary hardrive. I have acesse to all my stuff but then when i try to save my work i can't find it in smart content. i still acesse it but only if i go to open folder.
Is it in the Content Library pane? Where is the file being saved on disc?
it's not on the content librry pane also i just notice in content library i have Daz Studio Format in it i only have My Daz3D library. i don't have my library in it
and daz connect
some capture so you can see
Right-click on Daz Studio Formats>Add base Directory, select the /Documents/Daz 3D/Studio/My Library folder.
well i think I sucessfully make thing worst... i am curently trying to reinstall all of it. i hope it will work. i will instal daz in my first disk and the rest of the librery in my secondary hardrive. i think it can work, at least i hope so.
now i try to save or open a file and this appear. i can`t find anything.
It does that when the last used folder doesn't exist - it's very annoying as it should never place files in the Program Files folder. Click Documents on the left, then navigate to the folder you want to use as with any file dialogue.
Yes, it will save to the folder shown in the file browser.
it work! but now it's content Wizard my problem. do you know how i can make it work? thx in advence :)
In the "options" tab there's a section with "directories". From the error message you get my guess would be that the one listed as "Work directory" doesn't exist on your computer.
i will look at that. i make somethingt and when i save it there is nothing. like the name is there but usualy there is an image of what i save
how can i fix it?
I am thinking. may be i can copy the folder i have in my old computer and transfert all of it with an external hardrive to my 2To? i mean everything work perfecly on my old computer. the folder must be ok in it. what you all think?
Save (and load) from the Content Library pane.
everything work now! thanks all! :)