Simplest way of using dforce for clothes discarded draped across on floor effect?

Ive been told for a simple effect of a non dforce item of clothing to have a natural look of just discarded on floor that a dforce should created for it to do just that. Dforce is alien to me and while looking around for tutorials online i cannot seem to find anything on how to do this in particular.
Can someone run by me a simple tutorial for doing this effect for non dforce clothing?
Post edited by Toobis on
for my knowledge, just transfer the cloth .obj to Marvelous Designer, the discard can be simply done in MD, then transfer back to DS, morph it, 5 minutes totally.
Do it in DS only? I don't know.
I don't have Marvelous Designer.
How well this works will vary from item to item. A lot of dForce-ready clothing uses weightmaps and the dynamics strength on different surfaces to control which parts of the clothing actually move with the simulation. One things you can do is select the item in the scene pane, select all surfaces, and make sure the dynamics strength is set to 1 for all surfaces.
If that doesn't work, add a dForce Weight Node from the Cretae menu, switch to the Node Weightmap Brush tool, and in the Tool Settings pane remove any active influence maps (right-click).