Asset doesn't recognise Wolfgang 8.1 as a Genesis figure

I recently bought People Carrying People vols 1&2, two sets of poses which come with scripts to pose both figures at once, but when I select Wolfgang 8.1 as my second figure I get an error message saying this is not a Genesis 8 based figure. It says in the description that it works with Genesis 8 and Genesis 8.1. Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening?
Looking at the filelist, it looks like all the user facing files are scripts, and scripts have had problems working for both due to the different names of the base figures (Genesis 8 vs Genesis 8_1). Especially as the product has been released one year prior to release of the G8.1.
Yes, it's particularly annoying when the promotional material lists 8.1 figures as compatible. In this case I was deep into a project before I discovered this wouldn't work and not easy to simply substitute a G8 figure. I've often wondered why it is that we have no way of communicating with the creators of these products themselves - as surely they should be the first port of call with these queries, by way of support - but there never seems to be.
Thanks for the input, which confirmed my suspicions....
The compatibility information on the product page comes from whoever updates the pages and is often misleading when it comes to the newest versions of DS or the base figures.
There were .duf files in ...\Data\ - Try copying one into the folders DS can see (...\People\Genesis 8 Male\Poses\Test\ or something) and using it from there.