Borked thigh bending (G8F)

This is kinda what I'm dealing with. I tried Bend Controls but it didn't seem to do anything. It might be (probably is) a skin weighting issue, but I don't really know how I might go around addressing that (either via assets or in the program). Some assistance would be appreciated.
Post edited by SilusCrow on
that will buff right out
, daz does give some assets for free that will buff that out; clothes
Try putting the Viewport in Smooth Shaded mode, using the sphere icon next to the camera/view picker in the top-right corner by default, and post some more straight on images with the minimum posing aplied that will show the issue. it's most likely a JCM for a shape kicking in when it shouldn't.
It could very well be a rogue morph product, *temporarily move your 3rd party morphs to a temp holding folder and systematically move the morphs back one-by-one to find the culprit that's causing the deformity!
Workarounds suck because they never address the root problem, just covers them up!
*Navigate to: \data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female (Or Female 8_1) \Morphs
Click on Currently Used in your Parameters tab, and look for any morphs you don't recognize. Then set it to zero, and see if the problem goes away.
That doesn't solve the issue, unless you can also narrow down what morph is causing the problem in the first place, that way you can actually fix the issue by getting rid of the morph and/or contact the PA, so they can fix it...
There are morphs that come with installed products, and morphs that come with Daz Studio. So, I'm not going to tell someone to start deleting morph files until they figure out where the morph came from. Find out first, if it's a product morph or a DS program morph that's causing the problem.
Who said anything about deleting morph files?
Getting rid of a morph does not always mean the same as deleting a morph, as you can get rid of it by storing it outside DS!
I was talking about temporarily moving them, so you can start figuring out what morph is causing the issue, I mean, I have essentially said the very same thing as your above post.
Richard is an excellent script master in his own right, (Even if he himself did not come up with that script!) it sure beats unloading/loading morphs in order to find the culprit!