Toon Generations Clothing/Developer Help

MeerkatsAhoyMeerkatsAhoy Posts: 15
edited March 2015 in The Commons

I've got some clothes modeled for Toon Generations, but I can't figure out how to make them wearable. I have the Developer Pack, but it must be kind of old because the pdf makes no sense in 4.7. I found "figure setup" as the new "skeleton setup" but that's about as far as I could go before I went completely frustration-blind - I can't see how to translate the directions at all.

If advice is unavailable, sympathy also gratefully accepted.

EDIT: Ah, I see why I hadn't used the forum editing usernames. Or deleting posts. Swell.

Post edited by MeerkatsAhoy on


  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    I've got some clothes modeled for Toon Generations, but I can't figure out how to make them wearable. I have the Developer Pack, but it must be kind of old because the pdf makes no sense in 4.7. I found "figure setup" as the new "skeleton setup" but that's about as far as I could go before I went completely frustration-blind - I can't see how to translate the directions at all.

    If advice is unavailable, sympathy also gratefully accepted.

    EDIT: Ah, I see why I hadn't used the forum editing usernames. Or deleting posts. Swell.

    A few big changes happened in the process between D/S3 and D/S4.
    I don't have the toons nor their developer pack but my contribution to the world of tutorials maybe of some use:

    DA Link

  • MeerkatsAhoyMeerkatsAhoy Posts: 15
    edited December 1969

    Wow...well, just scanning through it I've already found a couple of places where my attempts to adapt were completely wrong. So, yes, that does help, thank you! (My current plan of action, "Forget that project altogether and move on with life", will probably seem less appealing after some sleep and/or coffee.)

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    I've got some clothes modeled for Toon Generations, but I can't figure out how to make them wearable. I have the Developer Pack, but it must be kind of old because the pdf makes no sense in 4.7. I found "figure setup" as the new "skeleton setup" but that's about as far as I could go before I went completely frustration-blind - I can't see how to translate the directions at all.

    If advice is unavailable, sympathy also gratefully accepted.

    EDIT: Ah, I see why I hadn't used the forum editing usernames. Or deleting posts. Swell.

    Editing user names If you drop a PM to Richard Haseltine, giving him the name you would prefer to use (and maybe a couple of variants in case that one is in use) and he can change it for you. Oh almost forgot it helps if you give him a note of the email addy which you use to sign on with as well.

    And as for deleting posts, even the forum team does not delete posts. However we can move them into a hidden area if you have a good reason for this to happen.

  • MeerkatsAhoyMeerkatsAhoy Posts: 15
    edited December 1969

    He's pretty quick too, so yay! Thanks!

    Thus renamed, I will try again to make these little toon guys wear what I want. Worst case, I can always do the posing in another program, they'll just be stills anyway. I'll report back if I crack it!

  • 3djoji3djoji Posts: 1,099
    edited December 1969

    Have you made and assigned the groups to your clothes ? If they are not defined for the cloth, the skeleton can not work with you cloth.

  • MeerkatsAhoyMeerkatsAhoy Posts: 15
    edited March 2015

    3djoji said:
    Have you made and assigned the groups to your clothes ? If they are not defined for the cloth, the skeleton can not work with you cloth.

    I got that (thanks Patience55, I was definitely doing those wrong)...but I was having a time and a half with the scale...I think it was at the "copy from selected figure" stage. I'll find out when I do it again...along the way I somehow got a few polygons unassigned and some unfortunately dented elbows. Still, progress!

    Fortunately I only have to do a couple of pieces, you already did most of the costuming I need!

    EDIT: HA! Found the weight painting, all fixed. In your face, Yesterday Me!

    Post edited by MeerkatsAhoy on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    You're welcome, glad you got it fixed :-)

  • MeerkatsAhoyMeerkatsAhoy Posts: 15
    edited December 1969

    Thank you, it did work! Except now I've got another one. I picked up the Deformer Pack, but again the panels in the PDF instructions don't match up with what I have in 4.7. I matched it as closely as I could, but no luck...I get a message "no deltas for morph...skipping node". And then of course it hasn't worked. The exported .obj IS properly deformed. That's actually enough for my current purposes. Still, if any of you kindly Toon-lovers know the fix, I'd appreciate hearing it!

    958 x 536 - 50K
  • 3djoji3djoji Posts: 1,099
    edited March 2015

    Thank you, it did work! Except now I've got another one. I picked up the Deformer Pack, but again the panels in the PDF instructions don't match up with what I have in 4.7. I matched it as closely as I could, but no luck...I get a message "no deltas for morph...skipping node". And then of course it hasn't worked. The exported .obj IS properly deformed. That's actually enough for my current purposes. Still, if any of you kindly Toon-lovers know the fix, I'd appreciate hearing it!

    By the way, join us in the common thread " nuts and secrets about the toongenerations", we try to get our "lieu de rendez-vous".
    For your problem, the only things I change are the morph name and I choose deltas only :

    533 x 520 - 70K
    Post edited by 3djoji on
  • MeerkatsAhoyMeerkatsAhoy Posts: 15
    edited March 2015

    3djoji said:

    By the way, join us in the common thread " nuts and secrets about the toongenerations", we try to get our "lieu de rendez-vous".
    For your problem, the only things I change are the morph name and I choose deltas only :

    Ok great, I'll try that, thank you!

    I'm in that thread, too! I just thought since it was kind of the same problem, I should keep it in the same thread. Trying to make it easier for future forum-searchers.

    EDIT: SUCCESS! Hooray!

    Post edited by MeerkatsAhoy on
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