Fit poser clothes to genesis 1 or 2
Posts: 73
Hey guys I hope I posted this in the right thread. I have some poser clothes and I'm trying to fit them to genesis 1 or 2. But I can't. They fit on the figures but not in the right position. The next thing I can do is to import them in obj formats and use the transfer utility but even that way I don't get the right results. Is there a way to fix this?
Be specific, please. What figure were the clothes for originally?
Ok I have a cloth product from content paradise. It says that the product require g2 Simon from poser. I don't use poser and I want to fit it to genesis 1 or 2. Is it possible?
I'm afraid not. G2 Simon is an older .cr2 figure, and there is no clone for him for Genesis 1 or 2 (M/F). Fitting Poser clothes to the Genesis figures is only really supported with the ones from DAZ generation 4 (M4/V4) and to a lesser extent gen 3 (V3/M3). Products to add those options are sold in the DAZ store.
I'm afraid not. G2 Simon is an older .cr2 figure, and there is no clone for him for Genesis 1 or 2 (M/F). Fitting Poser clothes to the Genesis figures is only really supported with the ones from DAZ generation 4 (M4/V4) and to a lesser extent gen 3 (V3/M3). Products to add those options are sold in the DAZ store.
Well, not directly convertible.
There are products available, that can convert it to an M4 item, which can then be converted to Genesis...and on to Genesis 2...but after all of that, it would probably not look very good, any longer.
Your best be would be to go the route of the obj export, then instead of trying to fit it in Studio, import both it and Genesis into a 3d modelling program, like Blender and do the fitting there. Then, export the fitted obj and import that into Studio and rig as if a new item.
But over all, it's a lot of work for something that probably does have an M4 or newer equivalent. There are very few things I can think of that don't have a Michael equivalent. Simon was never all that popular, so he didn't get all that much clothing made for him. In fact, there was more conversion, with the 3rd party programs of Michael clothing to Simon than the other way around.
Ok. I'll try that. Thank you for your replies!
Is there a product at the store that can convert the cloth to fit daz figures? Or any other way to convert it?
Not that I know of...
XD or X-Dresser is available's made by Evil Innocence.
Here are some facts that may get you further along:
CrossDresser 4 supports g2 James, g2 Kelvin and G2 Koji. These are in the same family as Simon and he may share one of their body types. Check Content Paradise.
Crossdresser 4 supports Genesis, but NOT Genesis 2. When I convert a Genesis clothing item to V4, I end up with a poser-rigged garment. I don't know what a conversion to a Genesis garment would get you.
CD is free but the license for Genesis is $10. You don't need a license for the figure you're converting from.
CD comes with a few free licenses if you have the time to experiment and want to see what kind of results it produces.
Quality of the converted clothing varies. One garment may convert perfectly, but the next may be worthless.
This is a bit confusing — "G2" here is nothing to do with Genesis, it's the family name of the set of figures created for Poser. DAZ|Studio can load Poser props and clothes; the important question isn't that it's Poser clothes, it's that G2 Simon is a very different figure from Genesis, with different body parts, and his clothes won't fit without converting or rebuilding. The note above about CrossDresser is your best chance of getting somewhere, but the results can be a bit... variable. Depending on how they're built, some clothes just don't convert well.