Been Out of the Loop for a while, currently what are the best DAZ Clothing and stuff Freebie sites?

[Been Out of the Loop for a while, currently what are the best DAZ Clothing and stuff Freebie sites?] Yeah that sums my question. I used to visit renderosity, and sharecg and still do but are there any new things?
Edited for Please put your question in the post body and the title - Daz 3D Forums
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
hopefully you visited Renderosity for their 24 days of Christmas
if not, sorry
DAZ had some clothes for their PA Christmas gifts too
RenderHub has some nice free OBJ furniture models and car models that can be used in DAZ. Archive3D has some OBJ models that can be used in DAZ as well, but you have to hunt around for those using that format. They have a wide selection of dfferent types of objects, but many are not usable in DAZ.
I grabbed myself some stuff from there and i was surprised they had like limit....very limit per day. i just got like 10 things and then they said i reached my daily limit
Yha, I was surpised to hit that 10-limit too - however they are just trying to stop a 3rd party from 'autosucking' all the free content in 1 visit. Considering the value of the free stuff, coming back a few days isn't a horrible cost to pay.
Got some free lightsabers if you're interested -
Their freestuff section is a pain and tedius, but often worth it.
You'll be entering your email alot, and your email will be loaded with download link responses.
I've never gotten spammed with marketing stuff, so i'd consider it, relatively safe.
Not sure if AdamThwaites puts the same stuff on renderosity or not, but i don't think i have any duplicates.