Migrating multiple base directories after upgrade

Hi there. I recently upgraded Daz Studio from version 4.12 to 4.16. My personal workflow preferences have me work with a few dozen base directories, and I'm looking for a way to import all the folders at the same time. I tried to copy my old ContentDirectoryManager.dsx over to the new version but that didn't seem to work. Is there any way to accomplish this, or do I have to add each bas directory one at a time? Thank you for your help.
You shouldn't need to do anything if the two are the same release channel, updating doesn't touch user settings.
Thanks Richard. Everything seemed to migrate over OK (custom actions, bookmarks, etc,) except for the base directories. Checking the ContentDirectoryManager.dsx file, all the folders are listed there, but are not showing up in the 4.16 application. Are these paths stored elsewhere?
That file is for content sets, the mapped directories are in the registry/a pList (depending on operating system). If you are using a different machine or release channel you can transfer the settings (if you still have access to the old system) by running http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/file_io/save_mapped_paths/start on the system/channel with the settings you want, then running the script that produces on the new system/channel.