Studio 4.8 - Iray subdivision questions
With all the subdivision options, which one to use when?
- Parameters -> subdivision : only for viewport and exporting to the Reality/Octane plugins? Is this also used for Iray?
- Parameters -> subdivision render : only for rendering with 3Dlight?
- Iray material subdivision (at the bottom of the material list) : use this instead of the ones in Studio 4.8 parameters when rendering with Iray?
It seems that Subdiv = 3 is a good value for HD figures. What is a good value if you convert a base resolution to a high resolution subdivision, would 3 still make sense?
Iray needs the Render SubD, the plain Subdivision setting is used for mesh export and OpenGL.
The material SubD setting is on top of the Render Subdivision in Iray, so the total subdivision level is their sum (mesh resolution is base resolution * 4^(object Render Subdivision + Iray shader Subdivision).
I'm not sure what you mean by converting a base resolution to a high resolution.
(Wow, I tried 3 in parameters + 3 in Iray material, so I was doubling everything...also might explain a crash or 2, although my card has 6 Gb!)
I'm not in front of Studio, but I read somewhere that you could convert older stuff from base resolution to higher resolution in Edit -> Geometry -> Convert to Subd
Convert to SubD just gives you a SubD mesh - that's what was done to Genesis etc. The newly created SubD item behaves like any other as far as the settings are concerned - but of course if it was made to be used without SubD its base resolution is probably higher to start with..
Thanks Richard, I will test in wireframe first to see if it actualy does something on the older items.
Peter, I think I read that that displacement is handled differently in Iray and may not look "right" without some subd (via I think the shader) and that HD morphs don't show up properly without upping the subd. So you might want to look out for that when you do your tests.
Thanks, I also remember reading this somewhere, you need to enable subdiv in the Iray material for displacement to work correctly.
So, maybe it's better to just use that subdiv setting instead of the one in the parameters of Studio, since they add up anyway.
The material setting won't help with morphs, though, and displacement will use the object level SubD. The material setting is there so you can turn up the setting on areas that really need it without having divide other areas that don't.
This would be only for areas that use a displacement map?
Is it a dual gpu card? If so then it wont all be used, but only the memory on one of the gpus.
Although there is technology on the horizon that will allow memory to be shared.
Is it a dual gpu card? If so then it wont all be used, but only the memory on one of the gpus.
Although there is technology on the horizon that will allow memory to be shared.
No, it's a GTX780 with full 6Gb :
I was very lucky to get one of these a few months ago because I don't see them in the store anymore here in Belgium (only Titan Black is available with 6 Gb, but those are double the price!)
This would be only for areas that use a displacement map?
Yes, the setting isn't even available until you apply displacement (although it may well be ataken into account for other purposes - I haven't tried setting render Subd to 0 and then applying displacement SubD with no map).
Ah, I've been told I had the wrong end of the stick - it's not that the two SubD settings add, it's that the larger value is used. Sorry for being confusing.
No problem, we're all learning it seems!
Edited to add image examples:
Both images have Render SubD Level (Minimum) 3 in the parameters tab.
One image has SubD Displacement Level 0 and the other has SubD Displacement Level 3 (which was too much for my GPU and I had to go CPU only).
There is a large difference in displacement level detail between the two images.