Thumbnail of product in Content list
in The Commons
I much prefer looking for an image of the hair or clothing I wish to use rather than clicking on folders with unknown content. Some items post an image automatically and others do not. I have files with the Something.duf along with the Something.png and Something.tip.png images and they do not show as a thumbnail in the Content list. Why? See screenshots below. The Fantasy Woodland Hair has same file structure, but dosn´t show in Content list.
548 x 276 - 102K
544 x 252 - 102K
You need a PNG file with the same name as the folder in the parent directory.
Look at the images I posted, do you see a difference?
The folder thumbnails will be one level above the individual product folders, i.e., in the Hair folder, with the same name as the product folder, not the hair itself. Of course, this principle applies to any folder in the Content Library.