weird hip and joint thing

I have an issue.
How do I fix the figure shown in the attached image? This happens with most figures. I get these weird indents and curves in the hip joint area. This happens with both G8/G3 male and female figures. Not just this pose but many poses.

1920 x 1920 - 2M
Joints in the pelvis are the most difficult area to rig. There is no figure out there at all in the whole DAZ/Poserverse, that has natural pelvis/thigh joint bending.
If you are rich and lucky, you might find some high end figures for high end apps like 3dsmax, maya or even blender, with better rigging in that area.
You can either use JCMs or do, what I'd call 3d postwork, by moving your model to zBrush and fix, what looks wrong. But this solution works for this one particular pose only.
Sorry, I know, this is highly frustrating.
Thank you both