Seeking 3D modeling help of Medici Lions for next Kingsman Movie

While plans are not set in stone, currently I am building a 3D model of Stowe House (Buckinghamshire, UK. See
I am building the mass model in Carrara and texturing it in RedShift in Cinema4D, so it can be blown up in Matthew Vaugn's next Kingsman movie, with Dwayne Johnson flying through the air in front of it, or some such.
While I have the experience and knowledge to model the architectural model and terrain, I am not skilled enough at 3d sculpting to make the Medici lions on the South Front portico, which have a bit of history. These are the original lions from when Stowe House was originally built in ca. 1730. When Queen Victoria visited the Duke of Buckingham, the expense drove him bankrupt, and the lions were sold. In the early 20th century Stowe was bought to turn into a school. Since I graduated in the 1970s, the National Trust has been helping restore Stowe, as a consequence of which anonymous donors sponsored the purchase and return of the lions to the South Front for half a million dollars (see for the full story).
I am very slow. It's going to take me 8 months to do the architectural model, but no problems, the film's not scheduled to shoot until September. Probably the studio will want to improve on any explosions I make, but currently that''s way off in the future. The reason I am doing it is because Stowe gave me an all-paid scholarship, so I am putting at least the first segment of work in the public domain, which also mitigates the required commercial licensing fees. So I can think some residual may be result from your work depending how things go, but I can't promise any payment. I think people call this doing work 'on spec,' lol, although there's no specs at all, it's entirely my own idea and so far no one has objected so Im getting into it seriously now.
If you're interested in working with me on modeling the Medici lions, or any other way in fact, I'm delighted to hear from you. here are some pictures of Stowe from the air, the South Front where the lions are, and one of the lions. The quality of the sculpture is superb--note the lion ribs. There's lots of pictures and so on to help. I won't deluge you in them. I share on Facebook about it, , although other things I am doing are muddled up with it so you might have to hunt down my profile page to find more about it.
thanks for all the great support through the years. It seems I know more about modeling than the people giving tutorials on it in Cinema4D, lol.

if you have an iPhone with a depth camera you can scan the lions and get a 3D model.
Alternatively a video from any camera can be stiched with various software such as
it has a free noncommercial tier but obviously if you find it useful will need to buy the paid one which gives you a lot more images to stich your point cloud together eith I have used the free one limited to 50 and have only managed bits of a wall of my house
it's really not enough images
or there are many dearer photogrammetry options
well thank you for that, and certainly someone could do that instead, but not me,
because I cannot fly in planes for health reasons, I am in the USA, and the lions are in the UK.
and I am in Australia living below the poverty line
good luck
Believe me, you are not as bad off as you think. People ask me for money pleading poverty on an almost daily basis, so I thought about what to do about it, and I am sponsoring coral reef restoration in Thailand, where they live on two dollars a day and have had no income at all due to covid for over a year. So the reefs are dieing from global warming. I don't need all the money I get from social security, so I am donating it to save the reefs now. Sorry, no more handouts. If someone wants to do the work on spec, they can do it with me. If I get paid for it, I'll donate it to reef conservation. The reefs can't earn money. lol.
I was not asking for a handout and even if I was loaded have utterly no intention of traveling overseas
was only explaining why I couldn't help
I fully aware a vast number of the peoples of world are worse off than me
I just thought you wanted help and suggestions so gave my 2cents
Sorry lol I am too defensive. The reef restoration has worn down my nerves a bit over the holidays, everything turned upside down every day.
yeah well be prepared for more of that with all the crytocurrency mining and other wasteful energy consumptions adding to global warming by selfish human beings
meanwhile, since I first said it was beyond my skill, I just discovered someone made the model and tried to sell it to me directly today for $150. Well I have no idea why I should pay for it, but Im not impressed by the quality of this model. Maybe for distant shots but its pretty crude. The nose is awful and the paws look like baseball gloves.
well when I worked I earned 20AUD an hour, I could not model that let alone in 70 hours and I was an unskilled factory worker
I do believe artists deserve to be paid for their work, I can understand you not wishing to but then you need to find another solution
I am certain the Film company are paying others for their work, they have vast budgets
if they are not paying you more than a pittance you are being screwed over badly charitable acts or not
maybe requesting someone do it for your cause would be a bit more likely to get takers but you would need to document it
you probably won't find anything better for the price... and if it's for who you say then $150 is just a pittance ... if they can't afford that they can't afford 'The Rock' !
this sounds like a revup to me....
Epic Games owns RealityCapture that does the Quixel Stuff and Scottish Highlands, castles you name it, and anyone with a drone can capture footage too and upload it to their cloud for reasonable fees so I really don't understand a film company wanting a modeller, more a cleaner upper retopologist of point clouds and their software does a damned good job of that, I even looked at using it if Covid ever ends and I can get out and about with a simple camera.
It is not dear for an indie like me of course so maybe there is a reason?
Their site
I know you have selfies with The Rock on your Facebook so don't doubt you but I am nonetheless confused why they are taking this approach.
Hi Yofiel, exciting project!
you could take a few renders of the daz lion at the right angles etc and use Wendyks ideas to stitch them into a new 3d mesh? Then use philemenos triplanar plug in to retetxure them in stone
meshroom looks good
that would still be against DAZ EULA though
maybe Stezza could model one from a cube
but honestly Google tells me there are a plethora of 3D models of these lions already in existence
however like everything else someone has worked hard to create you cannot redistribute mesh only renders
wanting someone to give you something for free so you can gain clout is never going to go well unless that person is compensated either monetarily (the usual thing one expects for work) or exposure/recognition by the film industry as well leading to other work which seems unlikely .
you can 3D print some even for free
however redistribution of models requires explicit permission from the creator, this one is also Creative Commons noncommercial
you can ask that's all
a plethora
good point Wendy - re eula. I wonder if i made a real sculpture by hand using renders of a daz object as a reference would that be against the Eula?
@Stezza, I'm impressed!
I know we are derailing Yofiel's thread but he isn't likely to find someone here who can make him a bespoke Medici lion anyway, at least not without a reference we can legally use
(photographs belong to the photographer) unless there happens to be one in a park in Newcastle you can take happy snaps from all angles of
it's a very interesting question
sculpting the DAZ one would be like a 3D print I imagine with you and your hands and chisel being the 3D Printer and the clay or stone the filament
they only license their stuff for 2D works
you can sculpt one for personal use (stick either side of your baustrade) but not sell it
You can paint one of course
I know CNC routers making cutouts has even been suggested in other threads as being not allowed under the EULA and sewing clothes to look like DAZ clothes can only be if both inspired by similar things.
Not a PA's unique design (same as stealing a fashion designer's idea) as DAZ model is just wearing the clothes
so many typos, so many edits
playing with the scan I linked
sorry Yofiel not for you, I cannot redistribute it, not my mesh, just doing it for fun
I split it and closed holes, Zremeshed and UV mapped
if I feel keen may make a normal and displacement map based on the highpoly scan
if you rig one you can also pose it with a ball