V4 A-Pose for using G8 poses?

I know there's a morph that adjusts the G8 A-pose to a T-Pose which allows you to use G3 poses on G8.
But how would I create an A-Pose morph for V4 that would allow me to use G8 poses on V4? Or what would be the best way to go about applying G8 poses to Generation 4 figures?
I know that the manual adjustment for V4 to use G8 poses is:
Left Shoulder Bend: Bend -45
Right Shoulder Bend: Bend 45
Left Thigh Bend: Side-Side 6
Right Thigh Bend: Side-Side -6
Morphs for transferring poses!? I don't think so.
Scripts maybe: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/86893/g8f-to-v4a4-pose-transfer
Thanks kindly for that link. Should help greatly...