Morph Loader Pro Error - Geometry did not match, failed to create morph

Hey there, first post on these forums. I am new to Daz and have been consuming tutorials and other helpful info in learning the software. With most things so far I've been able to find a solution and figure out how things work. With the Morph Loader Pro, I'm at an absolute loss. What I am trying to accomplish is to export a figure as an .obj take it into blender and perform some very minor sculpting on it. I keep running into the titular error even though I've been following some successfully completed tutorial videos on this topic to a T.
I'm setting the figure to Resolution Level: Base. When I export using File > Export I am setting the scale to 1%. When importing to Blender I am setting the geometry setting to "Keep Vert Order" and checking "Poly Groups". When exporting from Blender I am ticking "Polygroups" and "Keep Vertex Order" with the scale set to 100. Then finally back in Daz after going to Edit > Object > Morph Loader Pro I am going under the drop down of my morph .obj file that I have selected and set "Reverse Deformations" to "Yes".
After trying what seems like 100 different things, I decided to take a step back and just see what the heck will make this thing work. So, I exported the figure as an .obj and immediately tried to re-import that file using Morph Loader Pro and I still get the geometry error. I didn't even change any geometry. Can someone please advise me on what is going on here and why I cannot get this to work? I've checked out other threads on this topic with no success.
I am running DAZStudio on macOS Big Sur.
Thank you.