Before I open a ticket, is there a solution to "Metropolis Night?"

It takes SOOO long to get tech support that unless you all have a solution to the blank, exclamation mark, error for "DAZ_3D_72913_50_HDRIs_-_Movie_Maker_Iray_-_Metropolis_Night" I'll just return it for a refund. What say you all? See the snapshot. It is not a thumbnail problem.

5 HDRI Metropolis Night issue.png
344 x 274 - 36K
The file is not being found. How did you install - it isn't showing the available through Connect icon, but if you have been careful about not alowing DS to connect to your account it wouldn't.
Like you, I found that this product doesn't show up *anywhere* in the Smart Content listings. I had to browse using the Content Library pane.
I finally found it under ...\My Daz 3D Library\Light Presets\Dreamlight\Iray\Movie Maker Iray\Metropolis Night using the Content Library pane and browsing the tree that way.
I only install DAZ products using the Installation Manager, so I think this is just one where the metadata got away from 'em.
I wound up just copying all the Dreamlight Metropolis HDRs to a separate directory so I know where they all are.
My $0.02 worth...
Hm. OK. Richard, I used the DIM-Only workflow. Olo, it seems that this one is a "Connect" friendly product and DIM only folks are going to struggle. Is that about right?
I'm not really sure what "Connect friendly" might mean, but I learned a while back that I need to use either DIM or Connect -- but not a mix of the two. I settled on DIM because it seems to be consistent and very configurable -- I can aim executables to one directory tree and content to another. Third-party content goes to a third directory tree, which keeps everything from colliding and making messes on the floor.
I guess the Metropolis Night stuff could have been released with Connect-only in mind.
No such thing as Connect-only releases (when they introduced it as an encrypted-only delivery system, short-lived, thankfully). Too bad there is no ReadMe in the Documentation center to verify the contents and location.
It sounds more like a packing/metadata issue - so probably worth opening a ticket.
Thanks all. I'll open a ticket, but give them a time limit of a week. I'm tired of these things getting drawn out and then they tell me that it's past the 30 days. It's happened so many times to me I've lost count.
It's a typo in the support dsx file.
The current version has "Metropolis night" in front of every DUF file name.
Remove that from the file path and it'll import correctly.
The current path is: Light presets/Dreamlight/Iray/Movie Maker Iray/Metropolis Night/Metropolis Night (file name).duf
The correct version is: Light presets/Dreamlight/Iray/Movie Maker Iray/Metropolis Night/(file name).duf
I'd recommend Notepad++'s "Replace" feature to fix it relatively quickly.
Don't know if it's a violation of TOS, but if i can get the go ahead, from richard or someone else i'll upload the corrected dsx file.
Dang. It's not working for me. I'm sure it's something I'm not doing correctly.
Quick example
<Asset VALUE="Light Presets/Dreamlight/Iray/Movie Maker Iray/Metropolis Night/Metropolis Night 01 Preload All.duf">
<Asset VALUE="Light Presets/Dreamlight/Iray/Movie Maker Iray/Metropolis Night/01 Preload All.duf">
This is line 12 of the DAZ_3D_72913_50_HDRI_-_Movie_Maker_Iray_-_Metropolis_Night.dsx.
The file will be in Runtime\Support.
The metadata belongs to Daz so i can't say it's OK to share it, that would need to be checked directly. But, john_97a982ce, if you add a note about the issue to yoru ticket we may hope it will get a switft update.
Don't forget to re-import the metadata after you modify the file, if that's what you are doing. From DIM it is quick: find the product in the Installed tab, right-click and select Re-import Metadata. Save a copy of the metadata file somewhere else if you ever have to re-install the product, or replace the metadata file in the package with the modified one, so that you don't have to do it all again.
I figured it was a bit of greyarea, better to ask permission than get a ban.
I dropped a ticket to support on the issue, so we'll see what happens.
I bought Metropolis Day last April, installed it with DIM to my Daz content library on an external, and it appeared in my Smart Content. No problems.
In September, I bought Metropolis Night. Many problems. I installed it with DIM but it did not appear as installed content in DS. No matter how many times I uninstalled it and reinstalled it with DIM, no success. I explored the dsx file a bit and saw inconsistencies but did not pursue far trying to make adjustments to the file. I finally installed Metropolis Night using Connect (ugh!). It installed on my internal SSD drive in Connect’s weird file structure but it appeared in Smart Content and no longer appeared in my Install tab. In hindsight, I should have installed it manually and then create a product for it in Content Library so that it would appear in Smart Content.
This afternoon, I uninstalled the Connect install of Metropolis Night and installed the files manually. The files appeared in my Content Library and I created a product from them but the product would not appear in Smart Content. I did not uninstall the manually placed files but I installed using DIM again and this time Metropolis Day appears as a smart content package in DIM, appears in my Smart Content, and does not appear in the Install tab.
OK. I created a short extract to put into my ticket and pasted the address for this thread in the ticket as well, along with notes about this discussion and how it relates to my ticket. Richard, will you please speak to whoever is responsible for sorting these tickets to goose them a trifle? It is REQUEST # 398029.
I can't really intervene with tickets unless there is clearly a delay in handling them, otherwise support would be further slowed dealing with my interventions (or they'd just block me).
Hm. Too bad. Politics within politics. Somehow that makes you even MORE human to me. [Lowercase laugh out loud, intended not to offend or diminish].
Hm. It only now occurs to me to ask-- do these changes point to a directory that would have been added through a DIM install, or only a Connect install? I'm searching for the "Light Presets" folder on my DIM installation and don't find it. I was thinking that I might try merely adding an extra "Metropolis Night" folder for it all to reside in, as the original naming convention implies, and see what happens.
I'm not sure anyone is processing Tech Support tickets anymore. I submitted a ticket on November 27 (40 days ago!) and another on November 28, and neither one has had ANY human response at all. I even added a note to each of them after 3 weeks, and still no response. Tech Support tickets I have submitted since then have not been processed, either. A Sales Support ticket did get a response. I realize Christmas and New Years were in this period, but 40 days seems like something is broken. Or maybe they are just mad at me, and ignoring me, because I complained that some tickets were silently closed with no fix and no response about why. (They blame that on Zendesk.)
OK. I'm going for a refund. Thank you for that. I agree with you. DAZ should hire a new Tech Support team. After they refund they also have problems with removing items from an account. At least they did have that problem. I guess I'll find out now if that was resolved.
I've had activity on tech tickets over the past few weeks, though not a great many it's true.
Getting philosophical on it I can say, well, I can say-- hm. I'm at a loss for words I guess.
Good to know, thanks.