Windows 11 - file doesn not exist

Just installed windows 11 on a new ssd. All my DAZ stuff are on another ssd, so it was just a matter of pointing DAZ to the folders on my D drive. At first it looked like it was running great. My saved characters was loading and everything seemed fine untill I tried to load a new Genesis 8 Female and Male from the Content Library. None of them was loading. They both gave a "Could not open file - File does not exist" error. But it didn't have any problems loading Genesis 8.1 female and male.
I double checked the path but didn't find anything wrong. I reinstalled Genesis 8 and even Daz Studio. Same error. Genesis 8 and Gensis 8.1 are in the same folder, so why is 1 loading and the other one not?
Even more strange. If I try to load Genesis 8 from Smart Content it works ?!?
Anyone know what is going on and why I can't load Genesis 8 Male and Female from my content Library?

That sounds like you are logging in/signing in to DS and DAZ Connect has been up to it's usual mischief.
There is no need to log in/sign in to DS, unless you specifically want to install content with DAZ Connect within DS and if you do, whatever gets installed/updated by DAZ Connect, overides any content installed by the other methods (DIM/DAZ Central/Manual Installation). DAZ Connect does not use the same paths to install content that the other methods use, so the content will also be installed twice.
I wish DAZ didn't make logging in/signing in to DS look like a necessary step, as it has caused a lot of grief amongst users that do not understand how the system works (waiting for head patting for my words
You appear to have at least some content installed through Daz Connect - there is a triangle for expansion next to the container name. The version of the files you are attempting to open is not, however, a Connect install - if the database shows the product is isntalled through Connect (within Daz Studio) but the files are not there then it will ignore any other copies of the file and give the error. Find Genesis 8 Starter Essentials in products>G, right-click on thecontainer, and if one of the options is Uninstall select that (if it's Install don't select it).
Everything is installed through DAZ Install Manager (DIM). Not Daz Connect.
I uninstalled it again through Daz Install Manager and this time installed manually. Same thing. Genesis 8 still give the error but Genesis 8.1 loads fine. But if I right click on the Genesis 8 Female icon in content manger and rename it to something else than the default name - it works. I can then load Genesis 8 Female.
So something is blocking "Genesis 8 Basic Female.duf" from loading - or being seen as the error is it can not find the file. If I rename it to "Genesis 8 Female.duf" it loads fine.
Any ideas where I should look to correct this? Or is it Windows 11 that is doing something wierd as I have noticed Windows 11 doing wierd things when it comes to access some folders.
If that were true the Daz Connect container under Daz Studio formats would be empty. Since it isn't you have at least soem content installed through Connect. If you are not going to use Connect don't let Daz Studio log-in to your account.
Try what I suggested above - if it is a Connect instalaltion causing the problem then reinstalling the content thriough DIM will have no effect.
We are still telling you that your DAZ Connect installed content is messing up with your DIM installed content, you can uninstall and reinstall that content a thousand times with DIM, and the situation will not change.
Would you show us your Content Library setup in Content Directory Manager, with the paths expanded like in the attached sample, and we can give you specific instructions on where to go looking for what.
I think I got it fixed. When I looked under Products/G yesterday there wasn't an "Uninstall" for "Genesis 8 Starter Essentials". So when I tried again today I found I had 2 "Genesis 8 Starter Essentials" under G, and one of them had the Uninstall the other one didn't. After I uninstalled it the problem seems to be fixed.
Thanks for all the help! I'm still new to how Daz Studio works and they don't make it easy.
I don't remember I have ever installed within Daz Studio. If I'm logged in in Daz Studio and at the same time install via DIM, will it automatically become a "Daz Connect" package as I have no clue how it got to be a Daz Connect package?
As I said, you are not the first one or the last one to fall victim to the DAZ Connect.
You will find all the products that DAZ Connect has installed in D:\DAZ\My Daz Connect Library\Data\Cloud\
The products have been installed into subfolders that start with "1_" followed by the SKU number of the product.
For your own good, set the start-up options in DS Preferences as in the attachment and never again log in to DS.