Not really a complaint, more an observation about the sales.

cdemeritcdemerit Posts: 505
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Ok, a little bit of a grip.

I have a limited budget so I'm trying to get the most bang for my buck, but the current sales are sooo close, yet seem sooo far away.

My issue is 2 parts:

pt 1: could you please post with/on the banner ad when said offer expires? I missed the M6 give-a-way because I couldn't find when the last day for M6 was, and the offers that day really didn't fit my needs, so instead of buying some things that would be mildly useful, I held off. This of course was my own fault, and I'm only slightly bummed, as M6 would have been nice, but not critical for my needs.

However, with the Genesis stuff sale, There are a lot of good deals but at the moment nothing even remotely useful in the madness section for my needs. I'd be upset if I missed out on the Genesis stuff sale because I held off until tomorrow in the hopes of better madness items, and the genesis sale ends. All I've been able to find is "For a Limited time" for sale length.

Pt 2: I'm pretty sure this is deliberate, but really, anything I could find usable in the Madness section for the freebie only seems to show up while I could care less about the freebie.... Nothing while M6 was up for grabs, Several things I'd have liked for the pool, and a couple items for the lift, (neither the pool or the lift interests me) yet now that there is a sale I'd like to take advantage of, nothing again... oh well, such is life I guess....



  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969

    I'm mostly pretty happy with the sale, but I have to admit, this is the first of the MM freebies that I'm likely not to end up with, because I haven't found two things in the Newly Mad/Still Mad categories that I wanted either of the days. I'm not heartbroken, and it's not that the things offered are bad, they're just not stuff I want right now.

    -- Morgan

  • AdemnusAdemnus Posts: 744
    edited December 1969

    I honestly havent bought much and I put aside a wad to blow on this sale. It's almost all skimpwear every day and the g2m products today were something like 80 out of 900 products lol. 'm sure its all selling well for the vendors as that's their big sellers but for me, I am looking to spend my dough elsewhere as we speak.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    Part of the 'Madness' is that the sales don't really have a set length of time...yeah, they should go on for a day, but...

  • cdemeritcdemerit Posts: 505
    edited December 1969

    mjc1016 said:
    Part of the 'Madness' is that the sales don't really have a set length of time...yeah, they should go on for a day, but...

    I guess I'm just to logical and too much of a planner for these kinds of deals... Spent too many years blocking the impulse buys to let go...

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045
    edited December 1969

    The fact that the sales are highly random and weirdly set up inclines me not to use them unless they happen to coincide with my interests.

    Particularly the last month or two, it's been weird, and I've felt like 'meh, not going to get stuff.'

  • BlueIreneBlueIrene Posts: 1,318
    edited December 1969

    The way I see it, if I've got to buy stuff I don't really want at a time when cash is tight in order to take advantage of a deal, then it's not much of a deal. I was prepared for my finances and my resolve to take a bit of a battering this month, but I've hardly spent anything at all, even in comparison to usual. I think the only qualifying MM item I've bought was Marshian's Kaleidoscope - I didn't see anything else that floated my boat that day, and so I didn't buy something else I didn't want in order to qualify for the privilege of spending even more money on something that will doubtless be on sale again at some point in the future anyway. I haven't really seen anything new that I could use, but if or when such a thing shows up then I should have some cash available for it rather than having already spent it on something that will only gather dust on my hard drive.

    I try to cure 'you don't really want that' moments by looking at the items I've purchased and really did want once, but have done little or nothing with. There is plenty there to keep me busy until the next new shiny thing I really (think) I can't live without turns up :)

  • PhlabibitPhlabibit Posts: 4
    edited December 1969

    Similar boat here, last night was an offer saying tomorrow get a bundle with purchase of 60 bucks or more. Spent 70 today, no offer offered. I adjusted a cart I had, no pay-off. I was very psyched also because one of the bundles had zero content I already own.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,676
    edited December 1969

    Perhaps DAZ could have an auction. It would bring the impulse buyers out of the woodwork! 8-)

  • cdemeritcdemerit Posts: 505
    edited December 1969

    dclane said:
    The way I see it, if I've got to buy stuff I don't really want at a time when cash is tight in order to take advantage of a deal, then it's not much of a deal. I was prepared for my finances and my resolve to take a bit of a battering this month, but I've hardly spent anything at all, even in comparison to usual. I think the only qualifying MM item I've bought was Marshian's Kaleidoscope - I didn't see anything else that floated my boat that day, and so I didn't buy something else I didn't want in order to qualify for the privilege of spending even more money on something that will doubtless be on sale again at some point in the future anyway. I haven't really seen anything new that I could use, but if or when such a thing shows up then I should have some cash available for it rather than having already spent it on something that will only gather dust on my hard drive.

    I try to cure 'you don't really want that' moments by looking at the items I've purchased and really did want once, but have done little or nothing with. There is plenty there to keep me busy until the next new shiny thing I really (think) I can't live without turns up :)

    I pretty much agree with you. If you don't need it, it doesn't matter that it's on-sale. And the other day when M6 was free, there was the hair combo that I really didn't need, and M6 that I really didn't need, and that's why I passed.... However, today I have 7 genesis items in my cart that I do want. and 2 items from the MM that are at best somewhat useful. However that $12 on somewhat useful items, equals a $80 savings on the other stuff I want. I'm probably not going to risk it, and buy it tonight, I just wish I could have gotten the more useful items I saw yesterday.

  • MiloMilo Posts: 511
    edited March 2015

    ignore this post as I figured out what I did wrong with the sale

    Post edited by Milo on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited March 2015

    how come the genesis stuff i want isn't among the 1100 items? :shut:

    March almost over, when the dinosaur love coming?

    why couldn't the mega 50 percents sale be this weekend when snows keeping me inside?

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    can't decide if i need the tree of life

  • Steven-VSteven-V Posts: 727
    edited December 1969

    I've bought a lot less in the sales this month than I thought I would too. I agree most of what has gone on sale has not been of interest to me. Whoever said "skimpwear" was dead on.

    Hardly anything on my wishlist has gone up... and so I have waited, figuring "well, eventually." I did not get Monique and Darius because I figured why blow my money on them when other stuff I need more urgently may come up for sale? But it has not (well, other than Reality 4, that was a nice little surprise). So I have just watched and waited.

    Frankly I got more stuff on sale that I needed back in Jan and Feb.

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,403
    edited December 1969

    I agree with the comments above, and so far I have spent very little, whereas last year I spent quite a lot. I too did not bother with Darius and Monique as it was only the base shapes I wanted, and buying just them did not give us the extra 10% March Madness discount. Last year I got the extra 10% just by buying the Viking Village at 18$ or so, this year you needed to spend 80$+ to get it.

    Without the extra 10% discount the sale is basically 50% off, which for new items is very generous, but for back catalogue items is quite ordinary by recent standards. There was a few better sales in Jan/Feb including 70% off most genesis items, but that time you did not have to buy 2 items you probably did not need/want to get the 70% discount.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,676
    edited March 2015

    Perhaps the sales philosophy has changed because DAZ decided to stop giving away the store so that they could pay their employees this year?

    Mind you, I'm not saying I approve, but the employees might.

    That being said, I too spent more during the sales BEFORE "March Mundaneness" came around.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,403
    edited December 1969

    Perhaps the sales philosophy has changed because DAZ decided to stop giving away the store so that they could pay their employees this year?

    Mind you, I'm not saying I approve, but the employees might.

    That being said, I too spent more during the sales BEFORE "March Mundaneness" came around.

    Selling items at a higher price means that sales will be down, so overall it does not necessarily mean they are making more money. I too spent a lot in Jan/Feb (much more than in March so far), so I can not complain. I guess once March is over we might get back to the more generous sales that seem to occur outside of the main sale months.

  • Steven-VSteven-V Posts: 727
    edited March 2015

    Perhaps the sales philosophy has changed because DAZ decided to stop giving away the store so that they could pay their employees this year?

    Mind you, I'm not saying I approve, but the employees might.

    That being said, I too spent more during the sales BEFORE "March Mundaneness" came around.

    Look, I love DAZ and I absolutely want both the people who work at DAZ and the folks who make all this great content to get paid enough that they can keep doing this and making awesome content for me.

    It's not really the AMOUNT of the sales that is getting to me this month -- it's WHAT is on sale. Either (a) it's something I don't have any interest in because I am not making a Victoria's Secret catalog, or (b) I have to buy something very expensive (not $10 -- $50 and up) that I don't want or need, to get a sale price on the (much cheaper) thing that I do need. It's not like I am going to spend $50 on something I don't want to get a discount (or hell even 100% off) on a $20 item that I've had on my wishlist for weeks. It's more efficient for me just to buy the cheaper thing at full price.

    A number of things on my wish list were up for 30% off *before* March Madness. I didn't get them because I figured, hey, with MM they will be on sale for even more, right? So now, instead, they are not on sale at all, have not gone on sale all month, and what is on sale, is of no interest to me. Or at least, I should say that although it interests me, I don't need it as much as the now-not-on-sale thing in my wishlist.

    So here's the thing, if they are being more idiosyncratic with their sales to try and make more money -- their method this month is LOSING them money from me, compared to both previous months this year, and to MM last year (when I went, I will admit it, a little crazy, LOL). So far I have bought less total items, and spent less money, this month than I have in a while. During March Madness? Surely THAT is madness. And it's all because of., not the prices, but WHAT is on sale.

    EDIT: Just an update, I went back and checked the numbers:

    January - 6 orders for $295.09 (ouch)
    February - 4 orders for $251.98
    March "madness" - 3 orders for $113.95 (wow, that is actually reasonable)

    See what I mean?

    Post edited by Steven-V on
  • BlueIreneBlueIrene Posts: 1,318
    edited December 1969

    I've seen at least one, possibly two new items that I didn't buy because logic more or less said to me 'If you can't find something else you like to go with this so you can qualify for the maximum discount, you're short-changing yourself if you buy it alone'. It must make it so much harder for the PAs releasing items this month, especially those who don't have much of a back catalogue yet to entice people with. It's not enough during the sale to put out one eye-catching new item if you want to grab the most determined bargain hunters - it seems you've got to hope that someone else has as well.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,676
    edited March 2015

    In my case the slowdown in spending might be because of the increased vacuum in my credit card, or me coming to my senses. But it's very true that there has been practically nothing in the March Madness new stuff that I had any interest in at all. Anything I did buy during March was either a freebie or a cobweb covered thing from the deep recesses of my wishlist. I may not have the right hormones but skimpware and houte couture just doesn't excite me. I understand that the reason it keeps appearing is because many people's brains are wired differently than mine. I can't do anything about that. It's also the reason that the real world fashion industry cranks out the same type of stuff and has to continually make superficial changes to keep the hormones and the cash flowing. But I never visit Victoria's Secret stores or Rodeo Avenue shops, so they get nothing from me except a resigned sigh.

    I do however invest in interesting birthday suits and architecture.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • cdemeritcdemerit Posts: 505
    edited December 1969

    After thinking about it more, I don't mind the format of the sales as much as I mind the very limited choices of what you need to buy to get the sales. If you are going to make us buy at least 2 items from a "special" list, that list should have a reasonable selection. Not everyone is interested in monks/ monk gear, yet one of the sale days, everything was monk/martial arts related. Today's Still mad (yesterdays newly mad) has six items that are either bundled together, or are textures for. this of course is fine if you want this item, or if you had 100 items to choose from, but when you have 11 new items, and 6 are the variations of a theme....

  • Steven-VSteven-V Posts: 727
    edited December 1969

    It's very true that there has been practically nothing in the March Madness new stuff that I had any interest in at all. Anything I did buy during March was either a freebie or a cobweb covered thing from the deep recesses of my wishlist. I may not have the right hormones but skimpware and houte couture just doesn't excite me. I understand that the reason it keeps appearing is because many people's brains are wired differently than mine.


    In my case, I am working on a superhero webcomic. Although it's set in modern times, the style will be that of the bronze age - a time when the Comics Code was still largely in force. That means my superheroes will generally be fully clothed, both in secret ID and public ID. Add to that, the main star is a teenager (16), thus under-age, thus not appropriate for wearing overly skimpy clothing. And the story is not going to call for bedroom wear in any case - she's going to be outside fighting supervillains and or at home with her family or at her friends' houses. The stuff being offered is just not appropriate for those scenes.

    I think part of the issue is not even just bedroom wear... it's that even the non-sexy stuff is highly specialized, like the aforementioned monk clothing. If you are someone who creates art by just finding something on the shop that interests you, I guess it's OK. But if not, many of the sale items have been highly specific, and if you are not planning a render with that very narrow theme, the item would be of little use.

    And hey, they can put whatever they want on sale. But the fact remains that I spent 2-3x as much on the non-sale months recently, and made 2-3x as many purchases, as I have done in March. So if their goal is to entice me to spend money, they have not succeeded.

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    If you missed or do miss any of the MM "free" items, wait. Being DO's, they will either end up as free in some giveaway or end up really low priced in some mega sale. Figures are either given away or deep discounted regularly. You just have to watch and wait. IIRC, M6 was in the MM giveaway for at least two days.

  • JennKJennK Posts: 834
    edited December 1969

    I have been sorely disappointed with the sale this year. I was so looking forward to march madness and nothing has been 'mad' about it. I have bought very few things. Oh well guess that's more money in my pocket.

  • MorganRLewisMorganRLewis Posts: 233
    edited December 1969

    cdemerit said:
    pt 1: could you please post with/on the banner ad when said offer expires? I missed the M6 give-a-way because I couldn't find when the last day for M6 was, and the offers that day really didn't fit my needs, so instead of buying some things that would be mildly useful, I held off. This of course was my own fault, and I'm only slightly bummed, as M6 would have been nice, but not critical for my needs.

    I haven't been buying much, but I've been looking at the sales and the freebies when the nightly newsletter comes out. The freebies have been pretty reliable about being two-day affairs.

    That said, I do understand about the issue of finding enough stuff you want to make for a good deal. I don't have a huge budget to spend this month, so I haven't really had a buying day yet; I haven't found a situation yet where there were two items that I wanted at a price I could justify to make a good "bundle". Did pick up the school hallway by itself, though, since I can think of some uses for it and a coupon brought it to a good solo price.

  • ColemanRughColemanRugh Posts: 511
    edited December 1969

    I'm a long time Poser user who is finally giving Genesis and DAZ Studio a try. This March sale came at a great time :)

    I'm usually broke when they have great sales. This time I had money... and grabbed tons of Genesis goodies for dirt cheap.

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    edited March 2015

    Perhaps the sales philosophy has changed because DAZ decided to stop giving away the store so that they could pay their employees this year?

    If I take what I have spent here in total and divide it with the amount of items I have each one (including many $100 - $300+ items) have cost me just a few $. So I don't really complain.

    Post edited by Taoz on
  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    edited March 2015

    Perhaps the sales philosophy has changed because DAZ decided to stop giving away the store so that they could pay their employees this year?

    Mind you, I'm not saying I approve, but the employees might.

    That being said, I too spent more during the sales BEFORE "March Mundaneness" came around.

    Look, I love DAZ and I absolutely want both the people who work at DAZ and the folks who make all this great content to get paid enough that they can keep doing this and making awesome content for me.

    I think the vendors are those who suffer most from all the sales. People have a certain amount of money to spend on content and in most cases I think they spend it no matter what. So since DAZ gets 50% of everything they always get their share of the money.

    However, the lower the sale prices the more items you can get for what you can afford to spend, which means more vendors have to share the remaining 50%.

    That's a very general picture of course, there are many variables at play here, but I don't think it's completely wrong (correct me if I am).

    Post edited by Taoz on
  • DreamingGirlDreamingGirl Posts: 227
    edited December 1969

    For me, personally, the increased value of the dollar coupled with the rapid decrease in value of my local currency, added to the increased prices in the Daz store, means that the prices here have effectively almost doubled for me the last few months. Which means I won't be buying anything much.

    Now, if Daz had made a very simple sale like '50% off these vendors' I MIGHT have considered buying something, but when it requires I buy two items I have absolutely no use for, then no money from me, lost sales for Daz. How that is efficient sales strategy is beyond me, but I guess if they make money from it, it must work. Then again, WE don't really know that..

  • chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,839
    edited December 1969

    Now, if Daz had made a very simple sale like '50% off these vendors' I MIGHT have considered buying something,

    But that is precisely what they are doing. Every day there are PAs at 40%/50% off. You don't have to buy any new items, just two old ones from today's selection. A couple of weekends ago they had the whole store at 50% off.

  • DreamingGirlDreamingGirl Posts: 227
    edited December 1969

    Still requires two items to get 50% off, and because prices here have doubled for me, anything less than that is a no-go *shrug* if people still think it's a good deal, more power to them

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