head morphs smaller than body-what can be done about it

put my first character head on m4 it must be around 20% smaller than m4' head-the chin is higher therefor and looks strange, i have tried various ways to correct this with g8 , was wondering if anyone can give me th ebest method as mine havent wroked 100% effectively


  • What are you using? The Michael 4 figuer or Genesis 8 (Male)? They are completely different figures so one couldn't be sued to adjust the other. And what do you mean by putting a character head on? A custom morph imported with Morph Loader or something else?

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Now im using m4-the heads are from characters choosing icon for just changing head, the desired result is that the chin and the top of the head are at same levels as the original m4 head was-once if that is acheived the eyes  nose or mouth levels may be off if that occurs what is the method as i didnt find any sliders for levels of the mouth , if an aditional product is needed for levels such as those  which one is it, someone said it is on the starter pack but can it be obtained seperatly?

  • I'm sorry but I don't understand what you are doing or what you want to end up with.

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    ok, ill make you an image later to explain, thanks

  • In morphs++ {possibly now called shapes++}, when the head is selected, there is a dial to make the head larger.

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Will I need extra morphs to make that work or it comes with m4 base?

  • Separate purchase ... is also included in various bundles.


  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    the goal is for the head to havew the same perportions as original head so it will look natural-if we are changing the whole body then it would not matter (as long as the new head will be in proper perportions to the new body it goes with) but when we are changing just the head on any figure victoria or g8 then all levels (chin, top of head, eys, nose and mouth) should be at the same level as the originals if the figure is to look as natural as possible

    3667 x 1911 - 4M
  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Thanks Catherine , do you know if these are all the morphs needed for face or are the morphs more robust in the more expensive m4 bundles? The face is what most I need more than body types


    Cridgit, yes i said M4 but it happens with all figures depending on the 3d artist, out of like 20 g8f characters iu nhave only one has same peroprtions as original g8f head


    i have done many step to get them correct again including-changing head scale, changing levels of mouth, nose , eys, changing neck length-at the end of the day perportions should be the same if new ead is to look natural on original body


    ps-dont think Brooke head changed too much -it is in the initial modeling of the fiogure morph 


    i was wrtiing to see if anyone has tried this alsdo and has come up with an efficient method 

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,407
    edited January 2022

    vicsdaz as I recall, for morphing the head there was just the one dial to make the head larger/smaller.

    It sounds like you want to keep the original V4 or M4 shapes, not the new character face morphs. All face morphs will make some changes, that's the whole idea. However if you don't want to change the shapes, just use the new skins - that's quite okay. Do not apply the shape morphs, apply the "mat" files. People mix and match various characters and/or their mat files all the time.

    btw - this is the Daz Studio discussion thread. I noticed you're using Poser. I recall that there used to be something of a massive head size issue years ago with some of the morphs, don't recall what the fix was though.

    Also, Genesis uses V4/M4 skins. And Genesis has many more available morphs for the entire body and face. You can purchase a product in the store to enable Genesis to have the legacy V4 and/or M4 shapes too. Best of both worlds ;-) edit to add: to transfer clothing from the legacy figures to any of the Genesis clans requires using Daz Studio for the auto-fit feature.

    {transferring V4/M4 character morphs over to any of the Genesis clans is another matter, need a series of purchased utitlities and some skills}

    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    no it is perportions, a head wil lgenerally fit in a figure 7 times for example, if the length from chin to top of head is 15-20% less there is probably no body with these type or if there is it will look abnormal, therefor in order to get the new face to look normal on original figure body the perportions have to very close to the original head, i want the face change of course, but ill get those morphs, i have so many for g8 its just too many i just enbd up changing nose and mouth so they all dont look the same, ill do the same with m4 and v4 (if her models are also smaller perportion heads) the bad part is you lose the new face what a bummer thats why im asking-the best way to rescale the head and face-if the top and chin are same then (at least in g8 the levels of mouth and eyes and nose can be morphed-hope fully the m4 morphs have that, it says they have a lot) i know its logical just rescale head close then lower or raise neck so chin and top of head are same, but i know ive tried that and everything else and it didnt turn out hte greatest, if anyone has any ideas thatll be cool, doesnt this bother anyone else? thing is i dont use a whole new body cause they never look as good as g8f body to me but i would love to use the faces if they didnt look shruken-

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,273

    Catherine, no its daz-poser looks like it renderfs nice and you dont have to be a pro to make the thing look good---

    with genesis (back to the render issue looking flat) face looks flat compared to m4 thats why i started in with m4-i saw genesis looked better than g8 (in my render attempts anyway) guess i figured m4 may be better -

    if i can get the exact skin on genesis mthat would be a hoot-is there a way to do that?

    ive tried everything so far my renders arent like the promos, far from them so i have to revert to using m/v4 and low fstop so it make shtngs look interesting-usually without low fstop the renders aint making it-alos helped me top get hdri lites with tones and click through those till something looks good-im trying but cant get those renders to look real renders on daz

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,407
    edited January 2022

    D/S, okay. That happens to the same background colour as my Poser had lol ...

    As I recall the 1st Genesis' base uvmaps are those of V4/M4. Check on the Surfaces tab when using M4 though 'cause the default load as I recall was for V4.

    Default loads for the 1st Genesis and G2 were also for 3Delight, not Iray. So for rendering in Iray you'll want to apply an Iray shader for the figure. {apply an existing Iray shader for the concerned figure, swap in the new textures, save a new mat file.}

    But back to the V4/M4 morphs ... the Morphs++ or Shapes++ {same thing new names} is the main collection of morphs to acquire for these figures. The legacy figures are more limited with what can be done with their morphs. That's why the promos for Genesis' morphs will refer to adding morphs as adding them to the gene pool. They can be mixed 'n matched with each other. In the morph packages, on the promo pages they list the morphs included. The eye morphs, are akin to posing them, not resizing nor repositioning them. They list morphs for sections of the face, I didn't locate those right away last night when I checked. Unlike for the Genesis clans, one has to select the part of the figure when seeking its morphs and controllers.

    Realize that these legacy figures are by "how fast the world is moving standards," kinda ancient. So alot of the products for them tend to go on sale at very good prices throughout the year. Some of them also get retired. If you have any interest in making your own morphs or clothing for the V4 and/or M4 figures, I highly recommend saving some hair and sanity by purchasing the V4/M4 shapes for Genesis. I will post a link if ever I find it again in here. Sadly the shop search seemed to bring up everything but. [Unless something's changed that I missed] we cannot make inj/rem morphs for the legacy figures in D/S4.x. If one has the script and D/S3Pro then yes. Making clothing for Genesis is like a dream come true over what it takes to make clothing for the legacy figures.

    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
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