Quick Q. Where be the fie/ file that lists Carrara's content? And whatsit called ?:) Solved!

HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
edited January 2022 in Carrara Discussion

Greetings, just searching for clues on this in the forum and it occurred to me it would be quicker to ask!

From memory it's a hidden file?

And there was a thread or posts about how to edit it with a text editor?

Had a brilliant idea this morning that I will have different versions of it for when I am working on different tasks - eg the Viking Battle of Brunswick in 812  - so to keep the content of the CONTENT minimal.

thanks in advance :)

Post edited by Headwax on


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    ah found it it was here C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Carrara 8.5 



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,627

    one of the truly awesome things about Carrara is most things are in unencrypted editable text and if not it is usually only compressed and can be extracted with 7zip.

    I may not understand a lot of it but can at least edit paths etc I can understand and use compare in Notepad++ to find issues.

    If only I had more knowledge I reckon it would be plausible to edit stuff like hair in the text editor as it does show vertex placement, particularly the ability to brush it to different positions along the timeline rather than relying on simulation.

    I feel a spreadsheet could in fact make this plausible treating it like any other keyframed property but my brain just doesn't have the complexity to implement it.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Curious that this was recently an issue for you as well.  For whatever reason, recently, my laptop lost my personal presets folders that I added to the browser library.  Fortunately, I knew where they were and was able to add them back.  A different issue, but seems related.  Carrara has been acting strange lately (or more likely the updates to the operating system have been having minor but noticeable effects).

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    one of the truly awesome things about Carrara is most things are in unencrypted editable text and if not it is usually only compressed and can be extracted with 7zip.

    I may not understand a lot of it but can at least edit paths etc I can understand and use compare in Notepad++ to find issues.

    If only I had more knowledge I reckon it would be plausible to edit stuff like hair in the text editor as it does show vertex placement, particularly the ability to brush it to different positions along the timeline rather than relying on simulation.

    I feel a spreadsheet could in fact make this plausible treating it like any other keyframed property but my brain just doesn't have the complexity to implement it.

    ah Wendy, you could do anything I reckon. Except maybe free diving from Trump tower :)

    Interestingly, I had a go at hand editing the txt file (after making a backup) but everytime I go back into Carrara and then close it, it , it makes a new Preferences file in the same folder that is the same as before I changed it. So there are two files in the same folder with the same name....

    \Maybe Carrara is referencing something elze at t he same time?

    That said, If I hiode the preferences file then carrara happily starts from scratch to build a new one.

    Something is illogical.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Diomede said:

    Curious that this was recently an issue for you as well.  For whatever reason, recently, my laptop lost my personal presets folders that I added to the browser library.  Fortunately, I knew where they were and was able to add them back.  A different issue, but seems related.  Carrara has been acting strange lately (or more likely the updates to the operating system have been having minor but noticeable effects).

    Oh I'm sorry you are having those problems Ted.

    Fingers crossed.

    I've just completed a big project and spent ages looking for stuff I knew I had - to the point I redownloaded it and saved it in a new folder.

    Else I use "Locate" program to find cr2 s then drag and drop them into carrara. The next time I open something in carrara it will go to that folder so I can load other stuff from that folder.

    My content folder is a mess because I accidentally clicked search for content a few months ago - and boy, did it find content....

    Just spent half an hour copying Aiko poses to the m4/v4 poses folder etc. Amazing what you find when you don't need it.

    For example, I know I have some prehistoric plants from ??? RDNA??? Do you think I can find the damn things???


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,627
    edited January 2022


    I have been having issues since the last Windows update too but it's not limited to Carrara.

    That said I have had issues in Carrara too since I last replied to you about this.

    I have in the past had the preferences get reset a couple times.

    Yesterday DAZ studio decided to load with all my layout messed up, not too badly but tabs were along the side instead of on top and some tabs on the wrong monitor.

    I couldn't figure how to fix the tabs which were annoying down the side and hard to read finally after opening 4.11 (it was the 4.15 beta) it decided to fix itself after a few loads.

    my mouse stopped working completely too

    I had to grab the one from my other computer and plug it in

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,253

    I just spent the last three hours wondering what a fie was!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,627

    Stezza said:

    I just spent the last three hours wondering what a fie was!

    it comes after a fee and before a foe and fum 

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Ha ha yes I learnt to type while in prism

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,627

    Headwax said:

    Ha ha yes I learnt to type while in prism

    did you commit a small refraction? 

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    Headwax said:

    Ha ha yes I learnt to type while in prism

    did you commit a small refraction? 

    ha ha that's a scream Wendy - I refract all day when I am unlucky


  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,253

    ahhh.. it's all crystal clear to me now cool

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Stezza said:whohhh.. it's all crystal clear to me now cool

    :) so who  needs a crystal ball then? Hope you've had your booster


  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977
    edited January 2022

    We need a boost! broken heart Silene

    Post edited by SileneUK on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Yes in august i was jabbed for the second time and two days ago for the third. Now i am like superman, but, alas still cannot fly!

    are you still doing prehistoric renders? Oddly enough, I was thinking of you the other day while modelling some stalagmites unsuccessfully. Ended up using philemenon’s cut out programe for the background ones. Have you used the neathderthal morph for m4? Works in poser because you can see the hidden morph dials but not in carrara. Curiously the k4 one works fine. Could be wrong. Mech3d one it is. And hair on mastadons. Now there”s a challenge.

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,253

    yep, I had a booster just before Christmas ... jabba dabba doo laugh

    I wonder why that homo erectus morph don't work... I tried several ways all unsuccesful .. I think I ended up just getting the genesis one, can't remember now. frown

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,627

    Stezza said:

    yep, I had a booster just before Christmas ... jabba dabba doo laugh

    I wonder why that homo erectus morph don't work... I tried several ways all unsuccesful .. I think I ended up just getting the genesis one, can't remember now. frown

    did you have to select the body part ie the head?

    some generation 4 morphs only work on their body part as morphloader loads by bodypart and the deltas are created there

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,253

    yeah, tried all that .. nothing works frown

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,627
    edited January 2022

    the K4 Homo Erectus works on M4 BTW

    Homo Erect.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 158K
    1920 x 1040 - 208K
    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited January 2022

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    the K4 Homo Erectus works on M4 BTW


    thanks Wendy, and Stezza good news about the jabajabajabadoo!


    here is where it'is  in poser 

    1528 x 1340 - 501K
    Post edited by Headwax on
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,253

    The only thing I noticed whilst experimenting was the spelling error in the morph.... frown

    other than that NFI here angel

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,627

    I often mix up VAGS4 and M4, H4 and K4 morphs as they are all unimesh

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    I often mix up VAGS4 and M4, H4 and K4 morphs as they are all unimesh

    I whack on the international faces on the kids too but I noticed I lose ability to access other morphs when I do

    Stezza, a spelling mistake> ? Not on a daz product, this I cannot believe 

  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977
    edited January 2022

    WendyLuvsCatz and Headwax  I get my new computer glasses in early Feb as my left eye has just about settled now thankfully after both cataracts surgery. Glad I got those in before Omicron. Anyways, I have lots planned.

    Wendy & Headwax:  I didn't have any luck with the Neanderthal morph in DS or Carrara.  Read on....

    Wendy,  Several years ago I made a Neanderthal out of M4 Homo erectus. At the time it was a really handy base character for me to get coursework illustrations done. I followed morphs posted in a DAZ thread. It was so long ago that I can't recall the poster, but he made a list of about 20-40 morphs to get 'the look'. It was really very good for the time, but the jaw wasn't quite right.  I also struggled with the mouth using M4. THe biggest obstacle to realism, was getting the brow ridges. It was thanks to MISTY and being able to work with G3 that I finally got the results I wanted. And could pose their hands and give them decent body hair and fur for their clothing!

    I can't wait to get back to work.  I have all my file organised, I just am going to pull my video card and use the CPU's graphics until GPU cards get reasonable. I will be wanting to work in DS sometimes. There are landscape scenes that use instances which are quite good. I did get that instances to objects DS product, forgot the PA (sorry) but it bloats the scene a lot. THen I spend time removing the bits I don't need. Sort of a weird workflow.. But, it is either go with the flow and have scenes that show off the characters, or spend ages creating them.

    Headwax  One scene I still like creating from scratch or kit-bashing are caves and I have quite a collection now.  I would love to see some of yours and apologise if I have missed any you have posted. Please point me to the thread(s) if you have?

    February will be Carrara month for me... only have to get some work done on our building to meet some city regs by March 1st, but that should hopefully not delay anything once I have my new glasses.  I miss modelling so much!

    cryingheart  Silene

    Post edited by SileneUK on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited January 2022

    https://www.daz3d.com/forums/profile/2242036/SileneUK great news about the cats coming off. Dont forget about that hylo forte ! Ah i bought a few caves from daz , lots of kit bashing and adding but mostly subtracting. Made a few stalagmites and tites  before i found i had some in another “kit”. Philemons The cut out program is worth exploring. Ironically carrara’s terrain shader  is Normally better than included shaders. Sorry cant post the renders as they may be used as a ‘sell’  set of images for a tv program. If they are not picked up i will certainly post a few after i have erased the characters. Thanks for getting back on the morphs too. Cheers fromoz :) 



    Post edited by Headwax on
  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977

    Headwax said:

    https://www.daz3d.com/forums/profile/2242036/SileneUK great news about the cats coming off. Dont forget about that hylo forte ! Ah i bought a few caves from daz , lots of kit bashing and adding but mostly subtracting. Made a few stalagmites and tites  before i found i had some in another “kit”. Philemons The cut out program is worth exploring. Ironically carrara’s terrain shader  is Normally better than included shaders. Sorry cant post the renders as they may be used as a ‘sell’  set of images for a tv program. If they are not picked up i will certainly post a few after i have erased the characters. Thanks for getting back on the morphs too. Cheers fromoz :) 



    I got HyloForte from the surgeon tean, saves a bunch, but Dartanbeck and others put me onto Genteal gel tears... they are amazing and long lasting. Have to order fr eBay but worth it!  Will be back next month probably mid to late as it takes time to get the specs with hopefully some new renders. Look forward to watching your space, too!

     heart Silene

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    @SileneUK said  

    I get my new computer glasses in early Feb as my left eye has just about settled now thankfully after both cataracts surgery. Glad I got those in before Omicron. Anyways, I have lots planned.

    Great to hear that you are on the mend.  Hoping 2022 has you back leading a full life - with some time for Carrara.

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