Grrrr - changing the terms of the deal while I'm filling my cart ...

DavidGBDavidGB Posts: 565
edited December 1969 in The Commons

This 2.99 for 'Madness in HD' sale ...

It didn't say anything about 1 per March Madness item bought - I read it carefully. Just any of this selection if you buy one MM item.

There was a Today MM item I wanted, so I put that in teh cart and carefully looked through the 2.99 HD figures, deciding which to get, which not. Then started adding them, the first 3 or 4 went in showing in my cart as 2.99, so the offer really WAS any or all of them at 2.99 if you just bought 1 MM item ... then I added another, and suddenly they were all showing normal price except one instead of the 2.99 they had been showing in the cart. Refreshed cart. Finally went back to first page to look at the banner ad and it had CHANGED. Suddenly it's now one 2.99 item per 1 MM item. If I'd spent a minute less looking, thinking and choosing I'd have finished filling the cart and hit buy before the offer changed. GRRRRRRRRR.

Not far suddenly changing terms in mid offer like that.

Well. that's 18USD I'm not spending that i would have. Now buying none of them.


  • chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,839
    edited December 1969

    I was able to buy one figure (Gianni) and one HD set (Vicky), and get both at the $2.99 price. Adding another HD set (Mike) to the cart made both HD sets full price, though Gianni was still at $2.99. Dunno if that's still the case, though.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805
    edited December 1969

    It said only one $2.99 item per order when I saw the promo, about 7:30 or so UK time.

  • DavidGBDavidGB Posts: 565
    edited December 1969

    It changed. It didn't say it, and the first four I put in the cart all went in at 2.99. While I was going to put the fifth in it changed and the prices of the items already in my cart changed.

    It also did NOT say the bit about PC+ discounts not applying as I looked specifically fot that as I was wondering if I could use my 6USD DAZ originals voucher for this month on it, looked carefully, saw no exemption and was intending to use it. The wording on the ad changed significantly, abruptly, adding the bit about one 2.99 item per purchase, and not allowing the PC+ discount.

    It WAS a very generous offer - too generous perhaps. But they should consider that beforehand, not realise they've been over generous and change it mid-stream. the generosity of the original offer makes it much more aggravating when it is suddenly removed right in front of your face just when you're in the middle of reaching for it.

    Well. back to not bothering with HD. It;s not worth anything like the full prices for me (especially being on benefits) - way over priced. And as I mostly do multi-figure stuff, there's no point having just one HD figure. OK, DAZ may think 18USD wouldn't have been muchto them for carrying on letting me get all those sets. but now they're getting 18USD less - i.e. 0.

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    No one here on the forums knows how long it takes or what it takes for DAZ to get the new adds up on the store page. I got the blue banner before the ad was even up. I read it and the first thing that crossed my mind was what the terms were. I had no expectations that DAZ was going to sell me the whole list of $2.99 apiece. Oh, I'll admit, I tossed a couple in my cart where I had two MM items still waiting to check out to see what would happen. When both listed at the regular PC price, I deleted them and waited for the ad to show up. I wasn't surprised when the final add read one item per order.

    It isn't like DAZ was trying to pull a bait and switch or something.

  • chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,839
    edited December 1969

    DavidGB said:
    It also did NOT say the bit about PC+ discounts not applying as I looked specifically fot that as I was wondering if I could use my 6USD DAZ originals voucher for this month on it, looked carefully, saw no exemption and was intending to use it. The wording on the ad changed significantly, abruptly, adding the bit about one 2.99 item per purchase, and not allowing the PC+ discount.

    Surely the PC+ discount is the 30% off the price of new Daz Originals - which wouldn't be applied to the $2.99 price. The $6 voucher isn't a discount, it's a voucher. I don't see why you shouldn't use it here. But I've spent mine this month, so I can't test it.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783
    edited December 1969

    After reading this thread, I decided, let's try this out even though the banner read you only get one HD addon per purchase. I threw a still mad item in the cart at the price of $12.97 and then added 3 HD morphs i was interested in and went to the cart. None of the HD morphs were discounted, so I deleted one. Then 2 HD morphs were discounted, and the still mad item was even cheaper at $10.97. Hit checkout and only one HD morph discounted, so I went back and sure enough, only one was discounted so i kept one and went to check out again. The good thing was i still got the still mad item for cheaper than what was showing, so it's a win in my book, LOL.

  • DavidGBDavidGB Posts: 565
    edited December 1969

    icprncss said:
    No one here on the forums knows how long it takes or what it takes for DAZ to get the new adds up on the store page. I got the blue banner before the ad was even up. I read it and the first thing that crossed my mind was what the terms were. I had no expectations that DAZ was going to sell me the whole list of $2.99 apiece. Oh, I'll admit, I tossed a couple in my cart where I had two MM items still waiting to check out to see what would happen. When both listed at the regular PC price, I deleted them and waited for the ad to show up. I wasn't surprised when the final add read one item per order.

    It isn't like DAZ was trying to pull a bait and switch or something.

    From where I'm sitting, that's exactly what they did.

    You see .... I'm disabled, in a lot of pain, very little sleep because of it, and the the painkillers I'm on continuously really mess with my memory and make it hard to focus and think straight.

    Which you might think means I could be mistaken. But actually it doesn't

    I don't have much money, and I KNOW how fuzzy in the head I am, so whenever i go to spend some money I don't do it casually, i check, and double check, and triple check, and quadruple check to make sure everything is absolutely clear and I'm happy with my decision.

    So i can tell you exactly what happened here with me and my computer.

    I saw the offer and read the banner ad and the actual store page of the products. I thought 'surely just one, not all of them', so went back and read them AGAIN, slowly and carefully. NOTHING about just one per purchase, or ANY other limitations. So went and looked at the list. Picked out and opened the product pages for the four that struck me I wanted, then added two more I'd quite like as well. Spent some time looking at the promos again to be sure ... I really can't afford to spend even 10 or 20 dollars on something in the end i don't really want. then went back and checked the banner ad and that sale page AGAIN (third time). No, nothing saying only one. So i clicked to add the 'today's MM' item I wanted to the cart, then the first of the 2.99 offers, then the second, THEN LOOKED AT THE CART to check, and BOTH items were showing at 2.99, below the MM item. So the offer is real. I thought, and added the other two of the first four I'd picked out as wanting, and then WENT TO THE CART AGAIN to be sure. Yes. there was the MM item for 11.97, followed by FOUR of the HD items each at 2.99. And the right total - 23.93. I then went back and checked the banner ad and the items page AGAIN looking to see if there was anything saying I couldn't use my PC+ coupon, and the ad was still the same - NO limitations, NO one only, that's the FOURTH TIME I read the ad, checking it. Then i went to check i hadn't spent the coupon (which I hadn't, though i've spent the other one that can be used on PA stuff), then i went back to the cart page, staring again at the 23.93 total, and mentally taking 6 dollars off it if I left it at that, and comparing that with using the coupon but also adding the other two items (Olympia and her HD) I'd opened the pages of and thought about. Thought very carefully - did I want to stay under 20 dollars, or pay the bit over for the other two items ... all the time looking at my cart showing the one MM item, and the FOUR 2.99 items, with the 2.99 prices showing and the 23.93 total. Decided finally to get the other two as well, went and added the first to the cart, refreshed the cart, and THEN, suddenly, all four items that had been showing 2.99 went to normal price, and only the last, new item showed 2.99. Refreshed cart again, no change, just the one 2.99. Added the last item and it showed full price in the cart instead of 2.99. Then I went and looked at the banner ad again, which I had previously read slowly and carefully FOUR times before at the points listed above, but now it had CHANGED, with the one item per purchase and the other restrictions added.

    Like I said, I know how badly mushed up my brain is, so I take TIME, and take CARE with a great deal of redundant checking whenever i go to spend any money - ANY at all. The above happened over about fifteen minutes with stopping, checking, thinking, considering, reconsidering. FOUR times i checked the banner ad over a number of minutes and there was no restriction or one only. i deliberately and carefully checked what the cart was showing after adding the MM item and two of the 2.99 items, and again after adding another two, and even stared at the 23.93 total, doing the arithmetic on it of using or not my coupon, and adding or not two more 2.99 items, for a couple of minutes making sure i really did want to spend the money and how much. And for all that time the cart was accepting and showing the multiple 2.99s, and the banner ad had no restrictions.

    And then the rug got pulled just as i was going to click two more buy buttons, refresh the cart and click to purchase - what, 30 seconds?

    Now, i don't know what Richard saw or thought he saw on his computer screen when, or anyone else. but I know what I saw on MINE over nearly a quarter of an hour of checking, rechecking, thinking and deciding, FOUR checks on the ad wording scattered over that time, and deliberately checking my cart multiple times after additions of tiems. It certainly wasn't some couple of a second glitch while the offer went live.

    And not only was my pleasure at the offer as it was when i started dashed by the abrupt change, but also simply concentrating and using the computer causes me a lot of mounting pain - so I also went through a lot of pain (which doesn't go away when i stop, either) for nothing when DAZ CHANGED the offer from something I wanted to something I didn't after i'd spent 15 minutes over it. AND THEY DID CHANGE IT.

    Not happy. Not even buying the MM item i wanted. Not going to be buying anything here for awhile after this. Atrocious way to treat customers. and this right after atrocious response to something from DAZ customer services to a ticket. (Pose set for G2M - product says it has 40 poses, but it only has 35; customer service person does not acknowledge there's a packaging fault, but tells me the other five are in the Poser runtime, as if if's normal and expected that 35 are in the DAZ G2M Library folder in the DS DIM download, but all 40 are in the Poser DSON DIM download and the user is expected - in DS - to go swanning of to the Poser runtimes to find the final five, when I don't even have DIM list, let alone download, the Poser DSOn downloads as I don't use Genesis of any flavour in Poser ... and even the versions of the five poses in question in the Poser DSON download - and, no, they are NOT some peculiar poses that are only for use in Poser, they've just been missed out by mistake from the DS download - are missing their thumbnails unlike the other 35.) Why can't they just admit a mistake and say 'sorry, we'll have it fixed ASAP'?

    Not happy at all with DAZ ATM. My march Madness has ended.

  • 3dTox3dTox Posts: 82
    edited December 1969

    So anything with HD in the name cancels the 2.99 price of the hd morph? I just tried the Camel HD and couldn't get Stephanie hd at the low price.

  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631
    edited December 1969

    3dTox said:
    So anything with HD in the name cancels the 2.99 price of the hd morph? I just tried the Camel HD and couldn't get Stephanie hd at the low price.

    same here

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    We have reported this

  • chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,839
    edited December 1969

    Looks like they've fixed it.

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