Adding facial rig for triax figures (genesis figures)?
Hi now daz genesis (1 and 2) use morph system to make facial animation.
and I can move jaw eye tongues, by triax weight (assinged to these bone) too.
But is there way to add facial bones which can translate weight colored facial meshes smooth?
Of course I can add rigs for faces (eg rCheak , lChaek, lEyelids Reyelids etc)
then they will be child bone of head. they need to keep positon on faces when figure pozing neck or head.
And I can color triax weight map for each new face rigs by daz weight map tool.
Actually they can rotate ,scale wieght colored vertices with bone as I expected.
but As you know, most facial rig animation only need facial bone translation with smooth weight map.
that means,,
if I translate rCheak rig (maybe it need constrain with manipulator obj (small cube etc) by JCM to poze more easy)
the colored vertices of cheak area only need to move (translate not rotate or scale) smooth.
so that we can make expression easy by facial rigs.
I think,, it can not be achieved by rotation , or scale weight. (I may choose scale weight rather rotation fro each axies weight,
but it can not make good effect as same as simple translation weight (or general weight?)
I know most of 3d animation rigging not use triax weight. then they just use simple general weight.
but it can work well for facial animation rigging.
then is there way to add weight to translate rig part smooth abotu daz triax figuers? mainely I only need for genesis family.
I added general weight for new facial bones, then colored general weight map with triax weight,
but it seems not work as I expected.
I do not know why there is option to add gnereral weight map with triax weight map too.
Is there correct way to add facial rigs for daz triax figures,
then achieve facial animation with facial rigs weight?
and if it can, which weight system I need to use?