Installing all Daz Studio assets in one go with Daz Central

Hi All, I checked the Daz Central FAQ, but could not spot anything covering this one.
I've got a LOT of assets bought over the years, and I'm doing a fulkl reinstall of everything after a windows crash.
Is there a simple way to select absol,.utely everything for installation, and leaving it to chug away?
I don't believe so - you could use Install Manager instead, which certainly does.
Ah, I saw a note that Install Manager is not recommended if you are changing the install directories, which I need to do. (No way my SSD C driove will hold all the content).
Thanks for the reply, that saves me looking more!
May I ask where you saw that note on DIM? That is one of the biggest advantages of DIM. You can set where almost everything goes. You can also install everything at once, but I'd do it in batches because if your ISP goes down for even a split second it will cause some downloads to fail or if Daz goes down briefly which has been a problem lately, but it's pretty safe to do 50-60 at a time and usually all goes through successfully. I just use the built in filters to do the batches. You can however just select all and let it go. If there are any failures you will just need to hit install and it will try again. If your unsure how to set DIM up just ask and we can walk you through it.
I don't have any problems either and I have everything going to an external except the app itself. That is why I said to use DIM because it is highly customizable and very easy to use once you get familiar with where things are at. Central seems to be causing more and more problems. IDK if it's user error or what but we see a lot about it daily.
I didn't save a link, sorry!
I think it was probably in an FAQ, but as I said, I didn't save the link.
OK, it sounds like I should try the Daz Install Manager - a quick look shows that it has picked up the directory I want.
975 products, dowwnload and install starting now, I will report back on if it works!
I've installed over 5,000 products across 2 portable USB drive, and 3 hard drives using DIM.
As long as you set the install directory in DIM and the Content directory in Studio to the same locations, you shouldn't have any problems.
In DIM you can also set the download and manifest file directories.
I moved mine to one of my large 6TB USB drives so it wouldn't use up space on my main OS drive.
Good luck, sounds like you have it going well right now.
Thanks to all for the helpful posts.
It now seems to be working just fine.
In case it helps anyone else, I started by setting the directory in Central, then checked that DIM had picked up the same one.
IceCrMn - I do a lot of 4K animations, so I have plenty of hard disk space, and a daily batch file that copies my working folders foir all graphics software, (I mainly us Lightwave), over to my NAS with raid protection.
And like you, poeriodically make copies over to a 6Tb USB drive which I then disconnect.